What breed might I have?

Grammy Jodi

6 Years
Apr 9, 2013
Troy, Ohio
I purchased 12 Buff Orpington 2 week old chicks. I have had them for a week now. I am throughly enjoying them. One of the 12 is beginning to look different than the others. Her/his wing feathers are turning white. Upon seeing this, it made me look even more closely at the bunch. The one with the white wing feathers also has blue-ish looking legs and feet! What might I have if he/she isn't a Buff Orpington? (I'm obviously new to this hobby!)
Well, that's strange. Typically, green legs indicate Easter Egger, as do beards/muffs and pea combs. Looks like yours may have a pea comb, but I can't tell. Other than that, I just can't come up with anything else it could be, sorry.
Yes they certainly do and I think that one has willow legs that will get greener as it matures..Your question was spot on..When I responded I had a hint of doubt because cannot be sure from picture..

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