What breed of bird should I get for show next year?



Dec 28, 2019
I am a 4-H er in Ohio and I compete in the Canfield fair. I am ordering my birds early this year from Myers Hatchery. What breed should I get? Here is what I need in a show bird:
-Not huge
-Not loud
-Can be a medium sized bird or a bantam
-Fine with being in a cage for about 3 hours at a time during the day and all night

If anyone has any suggestions let me know! (I used Black Australorps last year and it worked ok)
I am a 4-H er in Ohio and I compete in the Canfield fair. I am ordering my birds early this year from Myers Hatchery. What breed should I get? Here is what I need in a show bird:
-Not huge
-Not loud
-Can be a medium sized bird or a bantam
-Fine with being in a cage for about 3 hours at a time during the day and all night

If anyone has any suggestions let me know! (I used Black Australorps last year and it worked ok)
The Black Sumatra sounds like a good one to go with.
I'm getting some next year from the same place.
It says they are flighty and don't like being handled but gosh they are beautiful
They're easy to tame when young, & can jump 6ft high even with clipped wings. I find their jumping ability, & multiple spurs to be fascinating.
Most bantams would be fine for your purposes, less Leghorns, Polish, Sumatras and Ameraucanas.

You're going to hear "Cochins and silkies" a lot, because they're pretty great with your requirements and easy to find. Both birds are really patient and calm, but not especially eye-catching. I personally think Silkies are a bit stupid, but Cochins are personal favorites. Especially if you'd like a broody bird. D'uccles have quite a bit of personality and quite a following as well.

Also meeting your requirements are bantam Orpingtons, Brahmas, and Seramas. Those last are raised as pets in Malay and are supposedly highly tameable. The trio of Rosecombs I had as a kid were good little birds. They didn't like being handled, but they tolerated it well, and were never disturbed by it.

I'd probably go with Old English Game Bantams, because I'm biased. Mine take really well to being handled.

As for standards, Orps, Australorps. Maybe RIRs if you'd like a more intelligent bird and can find a good breeder. Wyandottes can be a bit hit or miss, personality-wise. Faverolles have a reputation that's similar to an Orpington's. Very pretty birds, though a little on the larger side. Sussex, maybe. I advise giving Ameraucanas a miss. The blue eggs sound great, but they're on the flighty side.

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