What breed of chickens are these???


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 4, 2012
I took in 6 hens from a friend of mine who's Neighbors keep buying chicks from chick days for their kids then when they grow to big they let them loose in the neighborhood.

They lay brown eggs
They look like barred rocks but they have white faces and bellies.

Anyone have any idea??

I don't think Dominique or Barred Rock….will be interested in what the experience breeders think.

But gorgeous looking chicken!
yes I know they are not barred rocks because I have had barred rocks before and these are different
They're mixed breed hens. They had a barred father and a solid mother. The mother may have been silver based, or they also look similar to barred Rock/ buff Orp crosses I've seen before.
I never said barred rock definitively, it was a guess. Yes, it would be nice to see what experienced breeders would say. Ones which breed that breed! I do not!

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