What Breed of Chickens Do You Have?

What breed of chickens do you have?

  • Total voters
3 white leghorns best white layer
1 Delaware
8 Easter Eggers olive/ green eggs
3 blue amercanas blue eggs
2 golden laced Wyandotte
2 silver laced Wyandotte
1 white crested black polish
2 silkies
2 wellsummers
2 black marans friendly
2 buff orphingtions
2 Rhode Island reds Good layer big brown eggs
2 barbed rocks friendly good setters too
I have two black Australorps, two New Hampshire reds, two leghorns,and a brahma. If I was going to trade any out, it would be the leghorns and the brahma for nice hens that lay. The brahma is pretty and nice, but doesn't lay. The leghorns lay, but aren't nice.
I currently have
1 Blue Australorp
1 Light Brahma
(The light Brahma - almost a year old- will be joining her brother and sister when the new chicks can join my Blue Australorp.) The Brahmas are being rehomed due to picking on the Australorp.
Next week I will be getting
2 Blue Australorps
2 Barnevelders
3 Novegens
2 Easter Eggers

Hopefully these will be a better mix than my Blue Australorps and light Brahmas were. I had thought Brahmas were supposed to get along with other chickens, alas, mine did not. They Australorp and the Brahmas have been dependable layers, though.
Hey everyone! Thought I would do a poll to see what breed is most popular.
I have a small flock of 3 Pekins. 1 Silkie and a little black Rosecomb bantam. Hopefully will be getting some eggs to hatch and will get some Rosecomb and a couple of polish Silkie eggs to put in incubator.

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