What Breed of Chickens Do You Have?

What breed of chickens do you have?

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Our feed store got fall chicks and I now have 6 blue-laced red Wyandottes and 2 Olive Eggers (going on 3 weeks old). I hadn't originally intended to get more, but I lost almost half of the Sapphire Gems that I ordered this past spring within 24 hours because of the bad treatment they received in the mail. The 6 survivors are beautiful and have started laying, but I wanted more than just 6 hens.
I've had Silver laced in the past and have a Gold laced now...but those Blue laced reds are definitely on my "bucket list" of chickens I want! Those and Salmon Fav's...dumb birds or not, they really call to me, but so do a lot of other breeds.
One Buff Orpington 3.5 years old, mama to the rest and 5 "other":
2 Bielefelder girls, 24 weeks so hoping for eggs before winter sets in.
4 Crested Cream Legbar - 11 weeks old so (I think) 3 girls, 1 boy but the jury is still out on one of the girls. Looked like 2 girls, 2 boys at hatch (yellow dot on top of the boys' heads) but only one is coloring up like a male. I'd expected much more color differences at hatch but they all had the dark chipmunk stripes. Oh well, I'll wait and see who crows!
This is my flock until the spring order!
6 Easter Eggers
3 Barred Rock
3 Australorp
2 Reds (NH, RIR, Buckeye...not sure which!)
1 Sapphire Gem

Next year I am adding a bunch more that are not on my list! ❤️

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