We have 15 black sex-link hens.
What would we breed them with to get chicks to keep our flock going? I know I have been told that the Rhode Island Red roosters can be some of the meanest rooster breeds out there.
I can not remember 100% if the sex-link is the RIR mixed with the barred rock or ... something else... Horrible, I know.
So what would be a good choice to breed these ladies with? Or do I need to get a different breed of hens that are my designated reproduction hens?
I get so confused after reading a bunch of stuff on the internet that I end up back at square one (which is where I am now)
What would we breed them with to get chicks to keep our flock going? I know I have been told that the Rhode Island Red roosters can be some of the meanest rooster breeds out there.
I can not remember 100% if the sex-link is the RIR mixed with the barred rock or ... something else... Horrible, I know.
So what would be a good choice to breed these ladies with? Or do I need to get a different breed of hens that are my designated reproduction hens?
I get so confused after reading a bunch of stuff on the internet that I end up back at square one (which is where I am now)