What Breed(s) Do I Have?

Thank you, Wyandottes!
We've only had our flock for 2 days...and so far we've only gotten 2 eggs. Any idea which one of our lovely ladies could have laid these? They are the same size, shape & color...so I assume they are from the same bird. Just curious to know who our current layer is.

- TieDyeMommy
Red Sex-Link (sold under names like Red Star, Golden Comet, etc.) pullet.

Easter Egger pullet.

White Leghorn pullet.

(It doesn't show well in the pic, but this one appears to be "rumpless") Easter Egger pullet.

Easter Egger, probably pullet.

White Crested ducks.

Does it have a tuft, too? If so, then Black Crested duck.

- TieDyeMommy
We've only had our flock for 2 days...and so far we've only gotten 2 eggs. Any idea which one of our lovely ladies could have laid these? They are the same size, shape & color...so I assume they are from the same bird. Just curious to know who our current layer is.

- TieDyeMommy
Its hard to tell for sure from the photos, is the egg white? If so, then it was laid by your White Leghorn, which will be your only white egg layer (other than the ducks). If it were tinted or green/blue, it would be from your Easter Eggers, and if a nice brown color, your Red Sex-link would have laid it. Or, I suppose it could be a duck egg, if your ducks are being kept with the chickens.
BantamLover...they are white & the size/shape of your average, store-bought chicken egg. Our guess was the Leghorn as well. Our ducks are kept with our chickens, but based on their size difference, I would assume their eggs would be bigger.

- TieDyeMommy
How recent are those pictures? Or, how old are the hens supposed to be? Honestly they don't look anywhere close to laying, especially the leghorn and the red sex link.

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