What breed should I get next?


Mar 3, 2019
New-Brunswick Canada
I very much appreciate the advice on these forums and I was hoping you guys would have recommendations for me. I currently have 3 commercial brown birds (from shur gain as pullets in May 2018) and 4 Plymouth barred rocks (from reputable breeder as day old chicks in April 2020). I would like to add 3 or 4 hens of a different breed. If i could get pullets that would be awesome but they are hard to find around here I find and I do not want to go the commercial bird route again. I live in Moncton, NB where winters can go in minus 30 celcius in really cold snaps so I need a winter hardy breed, small waffle, hen for eggs (not for meat but if they are dual purpose that is fine). I do not have a rooster anymore and i have no plans as of yet to hatch my own chicks until I have a bit more experience with my hens. I LOVE everything about my barred rocks as they are sweet, none agressive, lay good size eggs, havent had any broody issues or health issues as of yet. My comercial birds have had a few health issues and aggression (feather pecking) so I want to try and avoid more of that. I was reading on sussexs, australop and orphingtons but hear the later can go broody. Any recommendations for breed? Thx :)
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I very much appreciate the advice on these forums and I was hoping you guys would have recommendations for me. I currently have 3 commercial brown birds (from shur gain as pullets in May 2018) and 4 Plymouth barred rocks (from reputable breeder as day old chicks in April 2020). I would like to add 3 or 4 hens of a different breed. If i could get pullets that would be awesome but they are hard to find around here I find and I do not want to go the commercial bird route again. I live in Moncton, NB where winters can go in minus 30 celcius in really cold snaps so I need a winter hardy breed, small waffle, hen for eggs (not for meat but if they are dual purpose that is fine). I do not have a rooster anymore and i have no plans as of yet to hatch my own chicks until I have a bit more experience with my hens. I LOVE everything about my barred rocks as they are sweet, none agressive, lay good size eggs, havent had any broody issues or health issues as of yet. My comercial birds have had a few health issues and aggression (feather pecking) so I want to try and avoid more of that. I was reading on sussexs, australop and orphingtons but hear the later can go broody. Any recommendations for breed? Thx :)
Orpingtons do tend to go broody quite often. I have an Australorp roo and two hens, and they are very sweet, haven't had any broodiness, and their laying pretty good. They can also be used for meat.
My Australorps are very broody! Consider yourself warned 😂. Wyandottes have a small comb but I can’t say about broodiness because mine are still young.

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