What breed would you say is the best layer???

Before I bought chicks I looked about on the internet and was led to believe that Australorps were the best layers. That info was from early days of the breed being introduced to the USA, though. The ones I have are yet to be proven as they are still pullets. I have some doubts because I'm not sure how pure mine are. They are hatchery chickens with no "pedigree" or whatever chickens have that's equivalent. They have breed defects such as yellow soles of the feet and white tipping on the feathers. I'll be pleasantly surprised if they live up to the storied "nearly an egg-a-day" Australorp legends. They are, however, very pleasant and gentle chickens and have been very entertaining as yard pets!
I had a dom that laid an egg almost everyday for 6 months straight. The lady who has her now, says she still hardly misses a day. She loves her.
White Leghorns & Rhode Island reds...I wonder, if you crossed your two best RIR & WL what kind egg layer you could achieve?
I have a golden laced wyandotte, a production red and a barred rock bantam that lay every day. (except for when the br went broody on me! That wreaked havoc on my entire flock!) I have an ee, a black cochin, brahma bantam, old english game bantam, and a red shoulder yokohama bantam that are all good layers but not every day layers.
Well....I was led to believe silkies were poor layers. Once ours settled in, we started getting little brown eggs every day. In three weeks she's missed two days, and one of the "missed" days she laid one of those teeny oops eggs.
Black australorp, she's my best. In the last 100 days, she's been laying an average of 5.85 eggs per week. I know, because I've been keeping a spreadsheet on them. She laid right through winter, without any extra light. And she never had an egg issues: no weak or deformed shells, no shell-less eggs, no mini eggs. Just nice large brown eggs, with smooth shells.

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