What breed??

I too am new at this, and have a batch of "red pullets" from tsc. I believe two of mine are new hampshires and 2 a red sex links I also have 2 barred rock and ? It came out of the red bin with the rest of the pullets but is not even close to having as many wing feathers and its tails feathers are not coming in like an upside down v but in rows horizontally. I am beginning to think its a roo. All 5 have wings feathers and tails feathers but this slow going show off. The store now has solid black chicks and I was wondering what kind they might be. there is absolutley no white on them. If they are astrolorpe(sp?) I may go back in and get a few more.
I got my Australorps from TSC but they were signed as Australorps. They were also signed as straight run so I'm waiting to see if one of them is a roo. We'll see though..they are all a lot of fun though! I see know why so many people enjoy having chickens around!!
Here is a better picture of "carol" Compared to its companions Carol is taking its time deciding to get wing feathers. Everyone else has their wings almost complete with some baby fuzz still in patches. I am hoping its a new hampshire roo but will be happy if its not. pretty sure the rest are pullets just not sure what kind. Carol is very interested in what I am doing and is the first one outta the rubbermaid and into the pen. Carol enjoys sitting on my arm shoulder etc. I have two barred rocks and four of the pale yellow which are now turning either pale butterscotch or rusty color red stars or sexl links is my initial guess. Why can' these little guys get a manual to tell what they are as fluff balls lol. So many of them are yellow to begin. Also the new batch of chicks at tsc are all black with dark legs and others are butterscotch with darker stripes on back any ideas what they would be?
I got Australorps from TSC and they were black little fuzzies with black legs..so that would be my guess. Yours are adorable! It's so cool when you get a bird thats really friendly! My son loves having the chickens and ducks around. He calls them all his best buddies. :)

Good luck with your new additions!!
I think that the Australorp is a roo. In my experiances, you can usually tell a roo is a roo by its comb and tail feathers. the comb will grow faster than all the others' and the tail feathers will be slightly longer and later they might start to droop and curl.
I thought it might be a roo but I guess I'll wait a little longer to see what it turns out to be..The tail feathers are starting to curl down like a roos but we'll see. I kinda hope he is a roo..I say that until he cock-a-doodle-dos at 3 am!

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