what breed


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 11, 2014
bought these girls from a swap they are 5 months old. Lady told me they were Americauna crosses.

1st hen looks to be a Red Sexlink (aka Golden Comet, ISA Brown, Cinnamon Queen, Red Star, Gold Sexlink, etc.). I don't see any Ameraucana in her. She has a single comb, no beard/muff, and her legs aren't slate blue or willow green. Assuming she's a true Red Sexlink and not a barnyard mix that happens to look like a RSL but with white legs (very unlikely), she's also much older than 5 months old. Her legs should be bright yellow at that age. Her legs are quite white and faded, which means she's at least a year old, probably 2 years old.

The 2nd hen is a mix of some sort. Possibly Ameraucana, but she sure doesn't show it.

They're both pretty girls. :)
Meant to add -- swaps, auctions, etc are great - but, unfortunately, there are people who misrepresent what they have (intentionally and unintentionally), so if you are going to continue to use them to build your flock you would do well to become familiar with the basic characteristics of various breeds (especially those which you like or wish to have) so that if you encounter such a person again you are not going to be taken in by the misrepresentations. I am sorry you were sold something that is not what you were told it was.
1st hen looks to be a Red Sexlink (aka Golden Comet, ISA Brown, Cinnamon Queen, Red Star, Gold Sexlink, etc.). I don't see any Ameraucana in her. She has a single comb, no beard/muff, and her legs aren't slate blue or willow green. Assuming she's a true Red Sexlink and not a barnyard mix that happens to look like a RSL but with white legs (very unlikely), she's also much older than 5 months old. Her legs should be bright yellow at that age. Her legs are quite white and faded, which means she's at least a year old, probably 2 years old.

The 2nd hen is a mix of some sort. Possibly Ameraucana, but she sure doesn't show it.

They're both pretty girls.
Shes defiantly not that old i got her as a 1 month old chick. Yes they are both super pretty! love them :) thanks for the feedback
1st hen looks to be a Red Sexlink (aka Golden Comet, ISA Brown, Cinnamon Queen, Red Star, Gold Sexlink, etc.). I don't see any Ameraucana in her. She has a single comb, no beard/muff, and her legs aren't slate blue or willow green. Assuming she's a true Red Sexlink and not a barnyard mix that happens to look like a RSL but with white legs (very unlikely), she's also much older than 5 months old. Her legs should be bright yellow at that age. Her legs are quite white and faded, which means she's at least a year old, probably 2 years old.

The 2nd hen is a mix of some sort. Possibly Ameraucana, but she sure doesn't show it.

They're both pretty girls.

I don't see any white underfluff in the top bird which is why I said Production Red. She does a few white feathers in the tail, but Production Reds sometimes show a few white feathers due to a little White Leghorn that has been introduced into their breeding somewhere in the past to boost their egg laying production. The second hen does however have the copper feathering ringing the neck that it common to Black Sex Link hens.
First bird appears to be a Production Red, though it could also be a Red Sex-link with no white. The second bird is a Black Sex-link. Both show no signs of having Ameraucana in them.
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