What breeds are these two pullets?


Dogwood Trace Farm
8 Years
Jun 3, 2011
Middle Tennessee
This is the first time I've posted photos - and I hope I'm doing it right!

I have seven 18-week old pullets. Five of them were easy to figure out. These two, though, it took me a few days to decide which was which. They are supposed to be a Welsummer and an Easter Egger. The thing that had me confused is that this Easter Egger has very different coloring from the other two EE's that I have. I know the ones of you who've had chickens for awhile think I'm crazy to not be able to distinguish the different breeds. What can I say - I'm in my sixties, and this is all new to me. LOL!


This is Ariel, the Easter Egger.


And this is Willow, the Welsummer.

Am I right?
The Easter Egger may have slate colored legs but the Welsummer should have yellowish legs. Both of the chickens you showed had slate-colored legs. Easter Eggers can be any color as long as they lay a colored egg (blue, green and sometimes they are light brown almost pinkish). I did have one Easter Egger who layed a typical brown egg. My Welsummer lays a redish brown with spots on it. you may have to wait and see what colored eggs they lay.
Maybe I have 4 EE's and no Welsummer then. They should start laying soon - and if I get a dark brown egg, I'll know it's a Welsummer . . . and no dark brown eggs, it's an EE. I was studying their legs today. The EE's definitely have greenish/slate colored legs. The one that's supposed to be a Welsummer has a little different colored legs than the others - but definitely not yellowish.

Thanks for the replies. :)

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