What breeds are these two?


In the Brooder
Jul 19, 2015
. She does have feathers down her legs and she lays a blue egg.

. I was told she was a Columbian Rock. I thought it looked more like a Light Sussex???
the first one is a silkie mixed with easter egger for sure

the secend one looks like a Columbian Rock but maybe its mixed or something...

and were you woundering what sex they are?
Oh ok thank you. They both lay so they are girls. I have four of the white ones. They have the same legs as my light Sussex pullets have.
ok... hhhhhhhmmm.. the white ones could also be some sort of breed of Brahma.. or. well ill reserch on it and get back to you
Can we get a better pic of the white bird? It doesn't have Brahma, with that big straight comb. but a profile shot showing the bird's build would help.

Agree the first bird is a silkie mixed with something blue egg laying. Could be EE, could be CCL, impossible to say.
Can we get a better pic of the white bird? It doesn't have Brahma, with that big straight comb. but a profile shot showing the bird's build would help.

Agree the first bird is a silkie mixed with something blue egg laying. Could be EE, could be CCL, impossible to say.

What's CCL again? lol. And could it be Silkie and Cream Legbar?

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