What breeds crossed to make this drake?

grandma duck

In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 17, 2012
I just adopted a drake, about 4 or 5 yrs old. The owner said he was a cross of a "mallard and ?" He is black with white, except for his head. Head is green on the sides, dark purple on top. Bill is now greenish. Dark orange legs/feet. The black and white looks like a magpie.
I am calling him "lLittle Buddy". I got him because my Pekin was alone and lonely. She had been the companion to our old Toulouse goose, who was 21 years old and the last of our flock of 6 geese. Lucy (goose) had gone blind, and "Little Missy" was the only duck left, so she voluntarily became Lucy's Seeing-Eye Duck. It was precious to watch Missy guide Lucy around the barnyard and keep track of her during the day. She faithfully led Lucy back to their stall in the barn every evening. Lucy died last month, so we now have Buddy. He was being picked on by other males. He is very happy with his new companion, grassy yard and swimming pools. And...the Pekin started sitting yesterday on a clutch of eggs. (A dozen eggs.) We will see if she continues to sit, and what hatches. What a cross the little ducklings will be if they hatch!

I love to walk behind them as this odd pair waddle happily to their barn in the evening. They start waddling in step with each other. So cute!
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