What breeds do you have, that you want to get rid of?

i'am fairly new to chickens---i got mine mainly as pets and what ever eggs i got was secondary----chickens in battery systems also played a lot to do with me getting chicken----i have 1-RIR....1-leghorn....1-speck.sussex.....2 SLW...2-delawares....2-buff orps.
to do all over----i would have strictly Delawares ,gentle bird that love to be handled and interacted with you.....my sussex suzy was my first bird and my favorite she will folloow me arround like a little baby duck, same as the delawares.....lucy the RIR is a nice bird , good layer and loves to be handled ,she is also my chickencoop clown .i defenitely would have any of the three

gone would be my SLW ,nice layers , but very offish and sort of a screw you personality............pretty pattie my leghorn , super layer , but very fighty and hates to be handled , my 2 Buff. orps. were recently aquired free range pullets , their just starting to warm up abit ,still kinda flighty ,and too early to make a decision on them

starting from scratch , i would go 11 delaware hens and 1 roo-----and just to add color to the flock 3 .....just my 2 cents
I just want more! I have 3 Australorps, and I never want to be without those. They are so sweet. The cochins are just too darn cute, the buff orpington is sweet too. The only bad girl I have is a barred plymouth rock, and she may just be a little nasty because she is the top hen and has to be bossy. I want silikes next spring!
I had a few hatchery Wyandottes who were mean to the other chickens and wouldn't let me anywhere near them. We put almost all the roos in the freezer from that batch, and included one SLW hen because she was so mean, and discovered at butchering that another that acted like a mean roo was actually also a hen. My EE's don't lay a lot and are not at all people friendly; I only wanted blue eggs for the grandkids (I got them, very pretty aqua blue) so won't replace them; the roo was a really bad roo. Love my BA's, not lap chickens but very calm and will let you handle them, never bother the others, lay lots of eggs, and one or two go broody but not very often (which is just right to me.) BO's are OK, much like BA's except not as easily handled. Mine lay well but I read this is not always so. My favorite are my two speckled sussex, VERY friendly and lay very well.
I have:
Buff Orpingtons
Black Australorps
Rhode Island Reds
Standard Cochins
Naked Necks
White Rocks
Black Jersey Giants

White Sultans
Silver Spangled Hamburgs
White Japanese
Olde English Self Blues
Show Girls

The only one I would willingly part with is one Hamburg Roo..meaner than a snake. But I didn't raise him so he obviously wasn't handled because other than him I don't have a mean Roo on the place!
I hatch weekly year round.

Feather People Farm
If I had it to do over again I would not get my Black Copper Marans. I thought I wanted then and searched and searched for them and now that I have a flock I wish I didnt. I wish I had that pen for one of my other breeds. I am not impressed with the color of eggs they lay which is the main reason I wanted them to begin with. Also, they are not as friendly as my other breeds, they could take us or leave us all they care about is wheres the food..........anyone want some BCMs?
My turn...
I have
Blue and Black Giants
Standard Cochins----------------------------------------- I would get rid of
Standard Silver and Gold laced Polish-----------------Get rid of
Black Copper Marans--------------------------------------Get rid of
Light Sussex
Coronation Sussex
Silver Sussex
Lavendar orpingtons
Gold laced Brahmas
Buff laced Brahmas

Seramas-frizzle--------------------------------------------get rid of most
Cochins-frizzle---------------------------------------------get rid of
WC black and blue Polish
White Polish and other polish
Silki-----------------------------------------------------------get rid of

I just have to many.
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HI.. If you decide to sell you Giant Cochins.. I would be interested.. I have a project going.. I am in Spokane. will PM you

I cannot think of any I would get rid of.. I only have marans (several colors) and cochins (several colors).. about 3 years ago I had 33 breeds of birds and over 400 on the place.. WHEW!!! too much work.. Now I just concentrate on the favorites ;-)
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My Wyandottes might be on their way out as well.

I have 4 LacedReds, a GL and a SL and all have been standoffish, bordering on flighty. I haven't seen them be mean to other chickens yet, but unless they are egg laying machines, the only thing I am getting back from them is eye candy'ness. My oldest Splash LBW even pecks at my hands in the evenings when I get too close to her roosting spot. And they have gotten the same attention and love as any of my other birds, go figure.

I got rid of most of my standard Cochins already. I was on my way to getting some of each color, til Spring hit. I had 9 huge fluffy chickens hogging every nesting box for the next 5 months. The other hens would climb in and lay their eggs beside them and they would just add those eggs to their clutch. I got tired of marking eggs and wondering how long new eggs had been being sat on that day and if they were still good...and they hardly hatched any eggs! I sold all but my two favorites (a Splash and a Barred). Their 3 eggs a week, for the couple months they weren't broody, molting or whatever else, just didn't make up for their food consumption.

Got rid of my Campine, Spitzhauben and SL Sebrights too...way too flighty. Haven't had one Sebright roo that wasn't a flogging freak!

If it weren't for the pretty blue eggs, I would get rid of my Ameraucanas too. I have one Splash girl that is sweet, out of 50 or so I have had. They are just too skittish for me.

I am giving my Jersey Giants some time to mature...they are 8 months old now, but are big scaredy cats. They might go if they don't learn to relax.

All that being said...Love, love, love my bantam Cochins, Seramas, d'Uccles, OEGBs, Modern GB, Rosecombs, Silkies, Sex Links, NNs, Marans, Orps, Polish, Brabanters, Welsummer, SS, Orloff, White Rock, Amberlink, Houdan and Dorking.
I would not get Silkies again. They are so cute, but don't seem to be as hardy as the regular feathered "chicken looking" chickens. We lost all of ours do to various issues like internal laying whereas the regular chickens never seem to have any problems.

On the other hand I LOVE my little Seramas and Old English! They are so healthy, easy to take care of and fun to watch because they are so active.

Edited to add:

Almost forgot about the bantam Cochin that I got from another BYC-er this summer - LOVE LOVE LOVE! Must get more! She is an eating machine but it's hilarious to watch.
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