What breeds should I get?

Wow I like that stanbridge! Where can you order those? Think I have some of my breeds to get figured out... I'm thinking buff duck, Ancona and Cayuga. Which covers my white/cream eggs and black/grey. But just don't know for the blue/green. Maybe mallard?
The only place I know of that has Stanbridge Whites is Holderread Waterfowl Farm, and you can't order them, they only come in assortments.

I know of myself and someone else here in Wisconsin who got them from Holderreads and are breeding or planning on breeding them, and then I know at least 2 or 3 people here on BYC that have them, but I don't know if they're planning to breed them at all, and none of them live near you.

Mallards lay green eggs, but they're not the best layers - you'll get some eggs from them in the spring, but they won't carry on laying all summer and into the fall like a Runner or a Harlequin or any of the egg-type breeds will. Plus, Mallards WILL fly away, so you need to keep their wings clipped or keep them in a completely enclosed pen (that's what I do with my Mallards and my Call ducks).

Buffs, Anconas, and Cayugas are all GREAT choices!
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Good point on the mallards! Hmm, not a big fan of the runners though. They look like a duck that's been through a taffy puller... Any other common breeds that lay blue/green?
Well, an Ancona can lay white, cream, or blue eggs...and a Stanbridge White is basically a pure white Magpie - Magpies are supposed to lay blue/green eggs, BUT many strains don't.

I wonder what color eggs Rouen ducks lay?
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My Rouen's eggs were white. I'm disappointed to read that green eggs are a flaw in WH's. Not surprized though--mine aren't show quality. My females do not even have black bills.
My rouen eggs are very pale green/grey. I would call it an off-white. They look mostly white until you hold them up to a white chicken egg and then you can really see the color. I think they're pretty.
Well hmm.... The breeder I'm getting the anconas eggs from say they lay white. So no blue/green eggs there. Where I'm getting my buff duck eggs from they say some lay blue some lay white, it is about a 20% chance of getting a blue layer. Runners do seem to be the best for blue/green eggs. Just can't get over their body shape though. Are they calm at all?
I loved
my Mallard hen she laid beautiful glossy green eggs, and she was so sweet

This is my Suzy I miss her so much


Here she is with my Pekin male

This is her with her mix baby she brooded and hatched all by herself


by all the pics you can see she always was saying something
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