What breeds?


11 Years
Sep 17, 2008
SF Bay Area
There is SO many breeds out there. I have a strong feeling that the law in my area will be changed. Anyway, I'm excited
! I planned a coop, and researched chickens by reading BYC and books. What breeds should I get? I want standard. My limit is eight chickens 'cause I live in a backyard. Whats a good rooster breed? are australorps good roosters? I only need one rooster.
im considering Chanteclers for a backyard laying flock.. large brown eggs. cold hardy, Nice. gentle. and after they stop egg production.. good meat bird.. lay all year around. and not TOO ugly.
I love my black star and my white rock. They are my two favs... perhaps I'll love my EEs more when they start giving me some colored eggs.
I think I know my fav breeds.
Hows this plan for 6 chickens???
1 easter egger hen
1 RIR hen
2 black australorps (i LOVE those) 1 hen, 1 cock
1 barred rock hen
and last of all: 1 silver spangled hamburg hen
if coop bigger I would add:
a silkie trio.
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