What can cause crooked neck other than a deficiency in an adult rooster? Could it be his spine? I'm worried!


In the Brooder
May 28, 2022
My rooster is recovering from some severe bumblefoot(Thank you for the help on that! ^^), but he still can't walk, and he has been off his feet for a while. I exercise his legs every day gently to keep his joints in good shape, but he started developing crooked neck a little while back. Just over a week or so. I started him on medication to make up for a potential vitamin deficiency and added black oil sunflower seeds to his daily diet. Its been a week and he still hasn't got his neck in a good spot- some days its better and others its not, but I think that is due to leg positioning? If I move one leg directly beneath him and one leg out in front of him, how he usually lays himself to sit up recently, his head is up. But if I pull the leg back, his head crooks. I can't see any obvious problems with his hips or spine, but I'm no expert. I definitely could be missing something. He also seems upset if I touch around his tailbone, too.

Any way I could help him if it is his back?
How old is your rooster? Can you post some pictures of him that include his whole body? Does he seem to have a crooked back or odd shape? Was he vaccinated for Mareks disease as a baby chick? Wry neck is a neurological symptom that can be from head injuries, vitamin E and thiamine (B1) deficiency, and is seen in some diseases including Mareks. There is a condition called kinky back or roach back that may cause spinal deformities. Most people treat wry neck with a heavy dose of human vitamin E 400 IU daily, and give a little extra thiamine which is in human B complex tablets, 1/4 tablet daily.
How old is your rooster? Can you post some pictures of him that include his whole body? Does he seem to have a crooked back or odd shape? Was he vaccinated for Mareks disease as a baby chick? Wry neck is a neurological symptom that can be from head injuries, vitamin E and thiamine (B1) deficiency, and is seen in some diseases including Mareks. There is a condition called kinky back or roach back that may cause spinal deformities. Most people treat wry neck with a heavy dose of human vitamin E 400 IU daily, and give a little extra thiamine which is in human B complex tablets, 1/4 tablet daily.
I'll try to get some good pictures of him, just got him out of his epson bath for his foot. He's about 2 years old to my knowledge, and I have no idea if he was vaccinated(He is a rescue, I took him in at 1 year old), I think he was originally from a tyson chicken place, but I'm not positive. His back seems fine, though it is difficult to tell for me. His hip bones look a little higher than they should, but he might just be putting more weight on his legs since he can't stand up atm. As far as dosage goes, I've primarily just been following the guide on the bottle. I'll see if I need to adjust!
What is the name of the product?
" BOVIDR LABORATO 617407594416 Nutri-Drench Poultry Solution 4 FL OZ, Multicolor " is the name on the page. My neighbor who also raises chickens said they use Nutri-Drench to cure crooked neck, so I've been using it thus far, alongside the sunflower seeds.

Here are his pictures as well- let me know if you need some others. He's sitting with a foot forward atm so his neck isn't as crooked, but sometimes if both feet are back, his neck is twisted pretty considerably and he can't even drink properly. Like this, he can eat and drink as long as it isn't too big. I usually massage his throat to help make sure it all gets through. The discoloration on his feathers is from just getting out of his bath.


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The NutriDrench is good , but doesn’t have enough of the vitamin E. I would go to Walmart or your regular drug store and look for vitamin E softgels 400 IU, any brand, and give him one a day. With wry neck chickens can be helped to eat by mixing chicken feed with some water and toss in a little scrambled egg bits. Wry neck or torticolis can make them look odd as if there is a bony deformity. I would try treating him for at least 2 weeks with the vitamins to see if it helps. Here is a link for vitamin E:
The NutriDrench is good , but doesn’t have enough of the vitamin E. I would go to Walmart or your regular drug store and look for vitamin E softgels 400 IU, any brand, and give him one a day. With wry neck chickens can be helped to eat by mixing chicken feed with some water and toss in a little scrambled egg bits. Wry neck or torticolis can make them look odd as if there is a bony deformity. I would try treating him for at least 2 weeks with the vitamins to see if it helps. Here is a link for vitamin E:
Thank you for the information! ^^ I'll definitely get some and give that a go. Should I keep him on his current medication as well, or take him off the NutriDrench for the softgels?
The NutriDrench can be used 2-3 ml daily given orally for about 5 days for the extra thiamine, but it can cause diarrhea longer than that due to the electrolytes.

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