I live in a small town (not more than 700 residents) and my home is over 150 years old sitting on a parcel of land that is about 1/2 acre. Our town is surrounded by farm land. Dairy farms, Goat Farms, Chicken Farms etc, (you get the picture) and on my property there is an origional Chicken Coop so i did the logical thing and i cleaned it up and fenced it off and put chickens in it. 10 hens, no roosters, no mess, no smell,, no noise, in a coop and area that could easily accomodate 25 - 30 chickens. 2 weeks after i put my darling and much loved girls in their new home i get a letter from the "BOROUGH COUNCIL" stating that i have violated Ordinance #77, Subsection 1 which reads;
" it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to keep any chickens or other fowl, pigs, horses, cattle, goats, rabbits, sheep or any other livestock at any place within the Borough unless the enclosure is not less than 200 feet from any residential dwelling.
Any person who shall violate this provision of this ordinance shall pay a fine of $300.00 and the cost of prosecution."
What will happen next? what can i do? None of my neighbors care about the chickens except that everyone is excited by fresh eggs (because we share with all those around us from our little garden strawberrys, tomatoes, eggplant, herbs etc.).
So with that i say "Help" all suggestions will be greatly appreciated. The last thing i want to do is give up my flock.
" it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to keep any chickens or other fowl, pigs, horses, cattle, goats, rabbits, sheep or any other livestock at any place within the Borough unless the enclosure is not less than 200 feet from any residential dwelling.
Any person who shall violate this provision of this ordinance shall pay a fine of $300.00 and the cost of prosecution."
What will happen next? what can i do? None of my neighbors care about the chickens except that everyone is excited by fresh eggs (because we share with all those around us from our little garden strawberrys, tomatoes, eggplant, herbs etc.).
So with that i say "Help" all suggestions will be greatly appreciated. The last thing i want to do is give up my flock.