I've read various threads on hens not laying and some say the hen could be egg bound, but what if it is not egg bound?
I've read they can stop laying sometimes for a while, I have one hen that laid regularly every day, a good hard shell medium size egg, then she stopped, she hasn't been in the nest now for around a week, she is not showing any signs of egg bound, so she has just stopped, is that normal and if so when will she most likely start again?
On this subject is it best just to leave her to start of her own accord or is there something I can do to get her to start again, I don't want to make her ill or anything by forcing the issue?
I've read they can stop laying sometimes for a while, I have one hen that laid regularly every day, a good hard shell medium size egg, then she stopped, she hasn't been in the nest now for around a week, she is not showing any signs of egg bound, so she has just stopped, is that normal and if so when will she most likely start again?
On this subject is it best just to leave her to start of her own accord or is there something I can do to get her to start again, I don't want to make her ill or anything by forcing the issue?