What causes poopy butt?


9 Years
Feb 28, 2010
Troutman, nc
Oh I ment pasty butt
Just wondering, and I took the advice and cut it away. Will it keep coming back? Or is there something else I need to do?
Keep it cleaned up and it should go away.

In addition to what Mahonri said: Lack of activity and stress.

Pretty much anything. Any stress not just during brooding but also a difficult hatch or a change of diet/treats. You can think you are raising every batch the same and still have an entire batch every now and then get pasty butt repeatedly while the rest never see it. Whether it will come back or not no one can really say. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. Just keep cleaning it up and watch the chicks to make sure they are the right temp with plenty of clean water and food.

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