What chick is this?


In the Brooder
Aug 24, 2019
I thought he would have larger, nicer looking birds and be able to work with them more if he could be with them starting this year. Then I learned you could hatch fertilized eggs. I figured my daughter, 3, would also like

So I bought an incubator and then a dozen eggs. We bought Welsummer as they are dual purpose, cold-hardy (we live in MT) and gentle birds. We successfully hatched 6 of the eggs.

Five came out looking like I would expect, with the chipmunk pattern. Three or four are dark enough colored I'm fairly certain they are hens. A fifth is blurry looking which may be a rooster. The sixth is pictured here. Any ideas? I only think it's a Wesummer because the eggs certainly looked like Welsumer eggs - dark brown with lots of speckles.
The top is all chicks. Chick in the back is blurry - may be rooster. Bottom photos are of the last one. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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The correct terms are pullet and cockerel. Hen and rooster are only applicable to birds over one year of age.

Of the 5 darker ones, you appear to have 3 pullets and 2 cockerels. The lightest may not even be a Welsummer.

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