What chickens lay green eggs?

Or if you're just wanting green eggs to sell, consider crossing easter eggers with leghorns. I've been thrilled with this cross--I have hens who are smaller, don't eat as much as larger hens, and lay huge light green eggs. Plus...beards and muffs........I'm with Linda--love me some fuzzy cheeks!
My husband and I are looking into replacing our layer flock. Marans are definitely on the list, and we're looking into Amerecaunas as well, though from what I've read many hatcheries advertise "Amerecaunas" that are really just mixed breed "easter eggers" or something? I don't know, we don't want mystery chickens we want something we can sustain and mystery chickens just wouldn't breed true, right?

Which breeds lay green eggs? I've heard Aurecaunas and Amerecaunas can, I've also heard crossing Marans with anything that lays blue eggs can produce green eggs, I find this information quite dubious though.

We want colorful easter eggs for sure, but we're trying to avoid the "mystery grab bag" that "Amerecauna" hatcheries apparently often are. Suggestions? :)
True Ameraucanas and Araucanas lay blue eggs.

It is confusing for lots of people because hatcheries give you "Ameraucanas" or "Araucanas" and they lay green eggs. Hatcheries are not always correct.

I am also curious about getting green eggs. Is egg color sex dominant? Does the female egg have to be one color and the roo the other or does it not matter as long as one is blue/green and the other brown. I have 2 ameraucana hens and one Roo. One RIR roo. And a black sex link hen.
So if I cross the RIR roo and the ameraucana hens, will the pullets produce the same darker green eggs as if I were to cross the the ameraucana roo and the Black sex link hen?

I have about 21 chicks now, a few straight ameraucana, but mostly crosses, just wondering what to expect.

Thanks for the info!
I want a White EE'r ! I have the partridge color EE'r and I also have White Leghorns . I found "donrae" post about Hers .
When Mine get old enough I'll put Them in a cage by themselves..Until then I'll keep My eyes open for a white EE'r
I have six Easter Eggers that were sold to me by an unknowing feed store as "Araucanas". (By unknowing, I mean the feed store was told by the hatchery that they were Araucanas and the feed store didn't know about the hatchery trick of passing off EEs as Araucanas/Ameraucanas.) Since I just wanted colorful eggs, I didn't care. Of the six birds, two lay pink, one lays an off-white, one lays an olive, and two lay different shades of a mint green/light turquoise. As you might imagine, I did not bother to dye Easter eggs this year. :D You can't always be 100% sure what you will get with EEs but your chances of getting a green of some sort are pretty good.
My girls just started laying and one of them is giving me green eggs!! I was supposed to get all brown with my flock and was surprised to find a green egg.

Now my question is who did it?!? I am guessing my "silver laced Wyandotte" is no Wyandotte. Her coloring is poor and she has cheek fluffs. That isn't normal for wyandottes is it? What do you think her heritage is? Obviously there is some Wyandotte, but what else?
My girls just started laying and one of them is giving me green eggs!! I was supposed to get all brown with my flock and was surprised to find a green egg.

Now my question is who did it?!? I am guessing my "silver laced Wyandotte" is no Wyandotte. Her coloring is poor and she has cheek fluffs. That isn't normal for wyandottes is it? What do you think her heritage is? Obviously there is some Wyandotte, but what else?
That is an Easter Egger -a mixed breed bird that has been bred using Ameraucana or Araucana blood.
Thank you! Is she a typical color for EEs? I find her to be very ugly (shame on me for calling a chicken ugly) but I do love the little green eggs she's giving me!
I have several Easter Eggers some eggs are green/blue some a pale blue and one that is almost pink. Everybody loves them .Glad you like the color

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