What class would my Serama be??

the duck whisperer

8 Years
Feb 22, 2011

I am showing at the state fair and this is the first year I'm taking a serama chicken. But I dont know what "Class" to put him under. He's a Bantam roo over 1 yr old, but when I look under bantams the list of all the classes they do not have serama ( I didn't expect them to really.)

Anyway, if anyone knows what class to put him under ( I don't know what AOV AOC, AOV R.C. Clean leg and AOV S.C. Clean Leg means) I would love to know. I'm thinking, would it be AOV AOC, like for All over variety All over chicken? :/

And to spare you your time I Know AOV is All Over Variety, and clean legs means no feathers on the legs. What i'm wondering is what AOC, S.C. and R.C. mean.

And heres a link to the list w/ the classes.

^^ (I hope that works) Sorry if i seem a bit clueless but I really don't know!

How odd that they don't use APA/ABA classes. He would be Class 75. AOV S.C. Clean Legged - Cock. SC in poultry is the abbreviation for Single Comb. AOC would be Any/All Other Comb and RC would be Rose Comb

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