well the mom is a full blooded grey silkie and the dad is full blooded silkie and i wanted to no what color would come out with both full blooded but different color
its not brown its a just dark grey for some reason the pic made it look more of a brown
I see some tan leakage...so I don;t think its just the camera
I agree. Definitely see leaking colours.

White covers all colours, so who knows what else the father has in his parentage. I've had a white male pop up out of a buff x blue. Showing that the lines were not pure (correct me if I'm wrong here). White to white (even if they pop up like mine did) will only produce white.

White to any other colour is like rolling the dice. Or a box of chocolates ;)
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w know for a fact the father is a full blooded white we have shown him and and got some ribbons but the show wasnt as fun i i thought it would be but anyway will they look like a silkie body and all but just different colors

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