What color is our Nancy?

Erin K

8 Years
Aug 3, 2011
I think our Nancy is a beauty. She's an araucana. But what color is this called?

Head Shot:

Body, she's in the middle (obviously)
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Got her from an Araucana breeder. He said they don't always get the rumpless. Her parents were rumpless.

Isn't her head stunning? I can't get over her head feathers. Not the tufts, they are fine, but the colors.

Oh the tufts are bigger now. This was a few weeks ago. She gets bigger every day.
Anyhow if she's not a perfect anything, how would you describe her? That's what I really want, Like if I wanted to tell you what color she was what would I say? Is there a name for this pattern she has?

I'm not trying to be dismissive of your breed expertise. The guy was SUPER defensive about them being pure, but I don't care a bit. The only reason I care is so I can tell people what my chickens are.
Huh that is weird...I would check into that more. I'm pretty sure that pure Auracanas are all rumpless. I hope you didn't pay a whole lot for them. She is very beautiful

I would pm an auracana breeder from here to check for sure. I don't have any but all the things I have read on them say they should be rumpless. And if both her parents are then I"m pretty sure she should be.
I kinda overpaid for her. But I would have paid anything for her honestly. I wanted THIS CHICKEN.

I've learned more... I really thought that day she was the best hen in the world. I've met some I like even better. (But if you tell Nancy I will totally deny it) I was sold on the idea that this breed was the best for a pet chicken. (Well and Silkies, but I wanted big eggs). I got three that day, her, the black one (shockingly also sold as an araucana, with her no tufts AND having tail feathers!) and a barred rock $60 for all three, but it was worth it in terms of her being a great funny gentle hen, but maybe she's not genetically perfect. (The barred rock is a good bird, not especially friendly, the black one rocked but was the one that the raccoon got

I do think she's especially lovely.
Aww sorry to hear about the racoon getting your hen
Was she the one in the picture also? If your happy with her that's all the amatters but I do think they may have overcharged you. But if your ok with what you paid for her that' all that matters
Your barred rock is pretty too

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