What color is this cochin chick?


14 Years
Aug 12, 2008
Mullica Twp., NJ
I have 12 5½-week-old cochin chicks, hatched from eggs that I purchased from a local breeder. The parents were a black roo over a blue hen, so I expected to get only black or blue chicks. As luck would have it... Of the 12 eggs that hatched, only one chick is blue and most are black or mostly black. However, 3 of the chicks had some reddish color mixed in the black when they were first hatched, which has since turned to a beautiful gold coloring around their heads and necks. I'm wondering if these chicks are considered partridge cochins, or some other variety... like perhaps gold-laced?

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They are not partridge, partridge is laced like a barnevelder's. They are also not gold laced, since they don't appear to have lacing. They could possibly be lemon blue, I'm not very familiar with that color.

This is partridge:
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Looks like the result a lot of people get when they mix buff with blue, trying to get MOCK lemon blues (not true lemon blues). While some will have the blue coloration, others get the black.
I have some hens that look just like that, but they're buff Orp crosses (not sure what the other parent was, I hatched them from someone else).
So my guess is a buff got in somehow with the blues and blacks.
It's most likely a Buff X Black or Blue but since its a pullet, it could possibly be a Buff X Barred.

Here is some sexlink pullets that I hatched from a buff orp on barred rock hens



Hmmm... Yes, that chick does look a great deal like mine, except that it has blue instead of black. I guess my chicks are Buff/Blacks.

Thanks for helping me figure it out!
Wow, I see what you mean... I would never have considered my chicks to look anything like an actual Lemon-Blue (or Lemon-Black, as the case may be). The reddish-gold coloring is way too bright, in my opinion.

Thanks for letting me know!
This is a result of a Mottled roo over a Mille Fleur/buff Columbian hen. I have about 40 of the offspring and this is one of the few that turned out this way.


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