What color is this Cochin? Project color?


9 Years
10 Years
Jan 24, 2010
Northeast Florida
I saw a thread not long ago with a new project or something ... blue looking cochin bantams with red on the neck. Anyhow, I saw this girl today and picked her up. Now I cannot find the thread. What color is this called?

Can you post a better pic of her with better lighting. The ones you are talking about are called Lemon Blue cochins, they are Brown Reds with blue instead of black. It is the same color as blue copper like roocrazy said, but its called Lemon Blue in Cochins and Gamefowl.
Sorry, that is the best pic I can get until tomorrow and daylight comes. However, it is pretty close to true color. She is a dark blue along the body and a med to dark red along the neck.

Thanks for the lemon blue info. I could not remember what they were called.

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