What color might this baby be?


Free Ranging
Jan 29, 2021
Dad is a blue Cochin. Mom is a red and white EE. Will post pics of both.

Baby is a silvery and pale yellow color... Any ideas what color it might end up? Pics don't do it justice on the silver color but will post a bunch in hopes you can sort of see it. The pics that show the silver color and not mostly yellow are more accurate of it's color.


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Dad is a blue Cochin. Mom is a red and white EE. Will post pics of both.

Baby is a silvery and pale yellow color... Any ideas what color it might end up? Pics don't do it justice on the silver color but will post a bunch in hopes you can sort of see it. The pics that show the silver color and not mostly yellow are more accurate of it's color.
Looks mostly blue to me. May end up with some red leakage as it feathers in.
Mom looks like she may be splash based? I see what looks like blue feathers here and there but I may be mistaken. If she is then this chick may look very much like her as it develops, splash with red leakage.😊
Looks mostly blue to me. May end up with some red leakage as it feathers in.
Mom looks like she may be splash based? I see what looks like blue feathers here and there but I may be mistaken. If she is then this chick may look very much like her as it develops, splash with red leakage.😊
Thanks. think it was dirt or shadows on her back and sides but her head has a gray tint to it.

Ok I wasn't sure on color since my 2 blue cochins (one was darker and one was lighter when I got them as a few days old) were much more blue and not silver like this baby. and my blues this year (blue Rock, Blue EE, and a dark blue/dark gray OE) were all much darker/gray than this baby. So I had no clue what color the silver would turn out.

I can't wait to see it feather out as it grows! It just hatched on Friday night so still very new. :)

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