What color variations of Silkie can I cross with other breeds to make sex-linked offspring?

apparently using a buff bird in a red sex link would make it hard to tell the genders at hatch, per Tim. I have no experience with that. Using a buff roo over a barred/cuckoo hen gives easy to see sex links.

You don't want dominant white for red sex links, that's why he says white Rocks are a bad choice. Dominant white covers other colors hiding underneath, and white Rocks are often hiding barring. You want silver factor hens. 

Thanks for the information! And happy Valentines day! I shall spend my evening munching on heart shaped candy!
I understand how red and black sex links work, and Dominant, Codominant, and Recessive genes work. I just want to know the genotypes of some Silkie colors and some other breeds so I can make some sex linked crosses. For example, a Recessive White Silkie roo to a Light Sussex hen is a sexlink known as a Goldtop. I believe a Silverduckwing roo to a Buff Silkie hen is also sexlinked? I need confirmation on that. All help is appreciated.
recessive white silkie x light sussex = may or may not work If the white silkie is bred for the cross it will work but just using just any white silkie is a gamble.

silver duckwing x buff silkie female not a red sex linked cross buff male over silver female will work but not the best cross

a shank color cross is not as accurate as a down color cross if you cross a yellow shank female with a silkie male the female offspring will have darker shank color than the male offspring

recessive white silkie x light sussex = may or may not work     If the white silkie is bred for the cross it will work but just using just any white silkie is a gamble.

silver duckwing x buff silkie female   not a red sex linked cross   buff male over silver female will work but not the best cross

a shank color cross is not as accurate as a down color cross       if you cross a yellow shank female with a silkie male the female offspring will have darker shank color than the male offspring



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