What color would you get....?


13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
What happens to the color if you breed Porcelain to Mille Fleur? Do you get a few of each, all of one color or a totally different color? I have 2 porcelain dutch hens and I haven't been able to find a roo for them, so I was wondering if I could use a mille Fleur and still get the porcelain color.
Porcelain is exactly the same bird as Mille, except with the addition of lavender.

Lavender is recessive so a cross will give you 100% Milles. No porcelains.

Unless, the mille happens to be carrying lavender hidden(unlikely but possible), then you will get half porcelains and half milles.

For example, if you made the cross, and all birds look normal Milles, but they will be carrying the hidden lavender from their Porcelain parent. Breeding those with a porcelain will give you half porcelains and half milles.
You can also take your porcelain hens and breed each to a different mille fleur rooster. Mark the F1 babies in some way to tell which came from which set of parents. Then pair the F1 offspring from each group with one from the other group. All the F1 offspring will carry lavender, so from those pairings your F2 offspring should be 25% porcelain, 25% mille fleur and 50% mille fleur split to lavender.
this is that cross in d'uccles to show u of birds i had last summer before i sold them. yes all babies were millie, instead of porc. we had more spotting. mom's were millie and rooster was porc.
hope this helps,

this is their babies. roo back and front pullet

this is the father

this is one of the mom's

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