what did this?


12 Years
Nov 12, 2007
I have been losing chicks in one particular pen and none of my other pens. The bodies I find are all stretched out on their side with the feathers removed from the top. No feathers in the pen. No blood anywhere. The body has been eaten from the picky area and most intestines are removed. Except for the last body no meat has been eaten. On that body 1/2 of the breast was eaten. Needless to say the chicks in that pen are a bit jumpy. Whatever is killing them is only coming around about once a week. The pen is 1 inch x 1 inch wire. Any suggestions as to what it might be and how I can keep it from killing any more?
This started when they were 3-4 weeks old. They are now 12-14 weeks old. And it is always the bigger ones that are killed. At first I thought my dog was getting after them and they were stomping each other and then getting eaten after they died. But then I realized the smaller ones would be dying. But my dog cant get to them anymore so she is not guilty. Any more suggestions?
Are the heads still attached? If they aren't, that might be an owl.
maybe a weasel, they got into my rabbit cage and left just the carcass
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Could you please describe the floor in the pen that is being victimized? I suspect you have a digger under there- member of the weasel family or a rat. I suspect you need to get under there and seal it up. PLus you really need openings no bigger than 1/2". A lot can wiggle through 1" wire. Sorry.
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yewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, i hate rats !

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