What did you do in the garden today?

My step Dad had winning glad he would dig them each year then plant them in the spring each year if your in those zones
I'm in zone 5 and my gladiolas just live on. Have had some for about 20+ years, and never dug them out. :idunno In colder zones, they may bite the dust like LG stated.
Glads for me always ended up as food for the blasted gophers. I ended up planting them in cages for a while when I was selling them at market but at that point the bulbs were soooooo cheap that I just planted every year.

Today I weeded, and weeded and weeded some more.... I hiked up my cucumbers on some hog fencing, lots of flowers but not much fruit yet, I have harvested a half dozen or so. The smoke from the fires has been so bad here that the air quality warnings are now in the danger zone so most of the people you see out and about are wearing masks. I have tried not to go outside as much but heck, the garden waits for no man or woman for that matter!!
Yup, the first big one that went off at the beginning July just south of us, started by an idiot who decided that it would be a good idea to burn a brush pile, against an "extreme fire danger" warning and lit over 6000 acres on fire killing a homeowner and injuring a firefighter. The fine, needless to say, will be extensive and rightly so.

I watered today, tomorrow will pull the weeds growing instead of corn :rolleyes:. Will try again when the farmer around the corner tills his field and plants. I've never used this seed before so if it doesn't go the next round will go back to native seeds for next year.

Leaving the pumpkins for now, they seem fine.

Moved the habitrail for the girls so it's not so close to the lemon tree, filled the waders with clean water and wet down the compost pile.

It's hot as hades already. I'll be out with care packages of ice for the girls every two hours today.
I plant dill, mostly for black swallowtail butterfly caterpillars. And man do they mow it down!
When I lived in Chattanooga, I found out that some butterflies love poop! I was kind of horrified, but at the same time fascinated by their fascination with it. The swallowtails, I nicknamed "poop butterflies" because I constantly saw them on a fresh pile of dog poo.

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