What did you do in the garden today?

For the Taller bigger plants March 5th. Those have been transplanted 3 times, now in a 20 ounce solo cup.
Otherwise I start about April 1st and don't plant in the garden until AT LEAST May 25th, and then even that is weather dependant.
Peppers are a PIA, I just buy the few I want.
Decorative corn and corn, I start in peat pots 3rd week of April.
Marigolds I start 3 rd week of April.
Beans I'll direct plant this weekend.
Onions I start in deep single cells from onion sets mid March. Onions went in the ground today.
Horseradish I start early March and that went in the ground today as well.
Thank you so much. I agree on the peppers! I guess the fact that I still have some alive is good . I did find a 6 pack of orange peppers from the FFA kids :wee I didn't start near early enough on my maters. But he's they're still alive spindly but alive. I also agree about the planting date. I remember a few years folks loosing plants on Memorial Day. Planting too early gets too risky. I did order heat mats and lights for next year. What's your best producing tomato plant? I did get peas in ground on St Patty's day that's the only planting rule I can remember . They are just starting to send out trendills . Thanks again
My mother put honey and whiskey on a spoon to give us for sore throat and flu- then slathered us in Vicks- anybody else?
Grandma gave me whiskey then vics even up the nose
I haven’t been on in a while other than a quick check about 1 x a week. Every week we are in Poplar Bluff for 2 or 3 days working on finishing up that house ( so we can resale it since son decided not to move there). Also had a great aunt pass away at age 93 and we traveled to Springfield, Illinois for her funeral ( 2 weeks ago?) now my (former sister-in-law and still good friend) passed away on the 20th after a very long, hard battle with breast cancer. Her service is tomorrow ( the 30th).
Thanks for checking on me. 🥰
Sorry for the loss a friend is friend ...
I did find time to go morel hunting on our property after work twice ( a week apart, I think).
The first time I found just under a pound of morels! 15.6 ounces. View attachment 2642160
View attachment 2642161
Some of them were really big!
View attachment 2642163
The 2nd time I only found 4 of them but they weighed 5.5 ounces.
View attachment 2642165
I don’t know how to cook them ( yet) so 2 different friends received them.

Omg....I am sooooo jealous. We went mushroom hunting for morels every year when we lived up north. I've been looking for them in Arkansas for 17 years and they still eluded me down here.... We are going back up north over Mother's day weekend to look for morels and see family.
Thank you so much. I agree on the peppers! I guess the fact that I still have some alive is good . I did find a 6 pack of orange peppers from the FFA kids :wee I didn't start near early enough on my maters. But he's they're still alive spindly but alive. I also agree about the planting date. I remember a few years folks loosing plants on Memorial Day. Planting too early gets too risky. I did order heat mats and lights for next year. What's your best producing tomato plant? I did get peas in ground on St Patty's day that's the only planting rule I can remember . They are just starting to send out trendills . Thanks again
On another note someone told me gnats hate the smell of vanilla so tonight I sprayed some on face and hair and they never bugged me again . Smells like cookies too ha ha at least it worked if the wind isn't blowing they're bad now!
Make pumpkin soup! 12 oz pureed pumpkin, 12 oz mashed potatoes, 3 oz chunky peanut butter, 12 oz buttermilk, 12 oz vegetable stock. Lemon juice, nutmeg, cinnamon to taste, enough water to keep it soupy as it cooks down. You can double or triple this recipe as you need. Delicious!

Thanks for checking in!!

sorry for the loss of your friend (ex sis-in-law).

you are certainly busy!! Hopefully the house can get finished and sold.
We did have 2 different people stop and ask if the house is for sale! We said it would be once we get the rest of the work finished. The siding is almost completed.
Then we have to finish the wiring and get the electrician to come in, put up drywall, get the plumber to come back and finish up, make and install stairs to the basement, paint, install cabinets in kitchen, install countertop in kitchen, install shower & medicine cabinet & mirror in upstairs bathroom, frame in and finish downstairs bathroom, and I want to sand (and stain?) the hardwood floors (oh, and I have some areas to repair in the floor as well).
Omg....I am sooooo jealous. We went mushroom hunting for morels every year when we lived up north. I've been looking for them in Arkansas for 17 years and they still eluded me down here.... We are going back up north over Mother's day weekend to look for morels and see family.
I seem to find them near oak trees, but I have also heard that they are found near elm trees too.

Also, I don't remember who has the plum tree that is dying (@BReeder! maybe?). That happened to me last year but with pear trees. I ordered 2 types of pear trees from Stark Brothers. They both arrived in great shape. I planted them and they were flourishing! But then suddenly, one of them died completely. It turned black and all the leaves fell off. If I didn't know better I would think that it was too close to a fire, but I know it wasn't. The other pear tree is doing great. The dead looking one is still dead looking. It was a Bartlett Pear Dwarf. I guess I will need to get another pear tree of some kind. If I remember correctly you need 2 varieties for pollination.
I hope you can figure out what happened to your plum tree.

Oh, we did get a handful of asparagus today from the garden when we got home. Not sure how it will do this year because the strawberry patch took over the asparagus patch. The wild strawberries invaded the area too!
Sunny right now!! Sunshine straight into the kitchen bc it is an east facing window!

Wind will pick up around noon and so the starts will have to be monitored so they don’t get badly damaged.

Frost tonight and then it looks like upper 30’s again late next week.

hopefully can plant the four fruit trees today. Two plum, two apricot. Glad I already marked the spots to dig, so I don’t have to spend time measuring distances.
We love the California Poppies too, and I figured the white/cream ones crossed with the orange and the orange was dominant so we never had them reseed themselves either.

I didn't see if anyone had any thoughts on potting squash (both winter and summer) in a big (8 or 10 gallon) pot then let it trail on the ground around the pot. Raised bed space is going to be at a premium this season.
I don't see why it wouldn't work! I did it with watermelon a couple years ago & they were fine, I got fruit. I did plant bush squash in pots this year to keep away from the garden, but that's a little different.

On another note someone told me gnats hate the smell of vanilla so tonight I sprayed some on face and hair and they never bugged me again . Smells like cookies too ha ha at least it worked if the wind isn't blowing they're bad now!
OMG the may flies are so bad right now, I'm going to try this this weekend!

Supposed to be super windy today & have to go see a friend so I won't get anything done. I need to mulch the strawberry beds but wind isn't good for that.

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