What did you do in the garden today?

From across the yard with a firearm
I'd be so nervous that I wouldn't get off a good shot from far away. I'm pretty good...till I get nervous. Maybe empty the clip. :gig Then all the neighbors would be running over.

You hold up a bedsheet or blanket so that it covers you from head to toe. Then you can walk up on the trapped skunk and lower the sheet/blanket over the trap so that it covers it completely. Then pick up the trap by the handle (covered by the blanket). Walk the trap over to a barrel or trashcan filled with water. Put the trap with the skunk in it into the water filled container. The skunk will drown and you will not get sprayed. Yes, I have done this multiple times and it works!
ETA: Yes, skunks can still put off a noxious smell after they are dead. Once my husband shot one in the trap from a far. But he left it in the trap on the driveway to make sure it was dead before he approached it. In the meantime, the stench leaked out. :sick🤢 Since it was so near the house, the odor got into the house too. ☹️😠

Now once I drown them (he learned not to shoot them anymore!) they either get buried right away or I throw them on a big fire not close to the house!
This sounds like a much less messy idea, thank you for sharing! If it is indeed a skunk, this will be my plan.

I should set up the camera & figure out what it is, not sure what to bait the trap with.

Aaanyway...need to replant some beans & herbs today. Looks like it finally stopped raining. My compost is finally getting hot, the starter has helped. & so has the thermometer!
Good morning gardeners. Yesterday was a total wash out. It finally stopped raining late last night. Another 1 1/2 inches to add to our total this month so far. I have all the larger tomato plants outside now but I'm holding off on the smaller stragglers until the threat of frost is done. I have some lily and papaver bulbs to plant in the front yard cutting garden so I could plant them today. I have zinnia and marigold babies that I think should wait until it warms up a bit more along with the peppers and okra. The potatoes I planted in the 10 gallon bags are all coming up. The ones I planted in the 5 gallon bags are not there yet. I thought it might have something to do with the bag size but then I remembered I planted the red potatoes in the larger bags. The small bags got the white potatoes. The herb beds are really coming back to life and I'm tempted to clear away the winter mulch, but then the frost teaser makes me think it's better to leave it lie for awhile longer. My new experience this season is biting black gnats. Mosquitos have never found me all that tasty in the past, but in the last few days the black gnats (not mosquitos, tiny black flies with teeth) have been voracious. Apparently I react to their bites and have been on a steady diet of benedryl the past few days. So I haven't been all that perky lately.
Oh man I'm sorry to hear that right before your big weekend. !
Thanks, I'll plug on. I think it's just a bone bruise. As long as I don't smack it again, or pinch the nail, or poke DH, It doesn't hurt anymore, but it 12 hours to get there. LOL.

Bread doughs are all in the various stages of goo to rise, cookies and scotch tablet are in the works. I forgot to buy EXTRA butter or I'd be doing scones too.

And I STILL need to do inventory in the greenhouse and set my stuff aside. But it's only 41 windy degrees out (GH gets down to 38 at night, so I am pleased with that). As soon as we warm a big I'll sort things out down there and make a master list. I'll plant 50 tomatoes, the rest will be for sale.

DS is glad he decided not to walk in graduation this weekend. Cloudy, 30mph winds, high of 62, and rain, and they chose it to be outside for the first time in 50 years. The plan B is moving it to Sunday, same forecast. LOL.
Waiting for it to start raining, like "they" said it would...

Had second Moderna shot yesterday, and my arm was pretty sore by last night. I. Could. Not. Wake. Up. this morning. I feel better now; maybe I really did need the 4 hour nap.

Frost threatens the next 4-5 nights. I have sheets down by the strawberries, to cover them up.

Looking at my garden from the end, I can see just how much more weeding I have to do at the sides to get rid of the grass that is growing in. Daunting. I'm daunted. Might just stay inside all day. With a high of 50, I'm not very motivated to get my hands into the cold dirt.

Where I did weed, though, it looks really nice. That will be my motivation to get out there and get it done in the next week. And my motivation to put a chicken moat along that side! Keep the grass from getting back in. And then I'll like how that works so well, I'll figure out how to extend the moat to the other side.

I think I'll be buying a lot of fence this year.
The weather looks nice today! So, plants are in the deck getting some sun. Cant plant them yet bc too cold at night, but hopefully next week.

The 4 trees look good so far! The two plums are essentially sticks but within the last 2 days since planting, there is budding obvious up and down the “sticks”!! The apricots are also looking good.

I’ve gotten a bad cold, so up at 2am to have a coughing fest (despite a few extended release meds), so I turned on Netflix. Oh, look! New episodes of “Hoarders”... lol...I was tired, but couldn’t sleep due to the coughing. So, now I’m reminded to not feel too bad about my sometimes messy house that has working plumbing throughout.

Hopefully I’ll go out to do some garden work. Most likely I’ll turn over the beds/get the goat manure mixed in.

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