What did you do in the garden today?

Good morning gardeners. Yesterday was a total wash out. It finally stopped raining late last night. Another 1 1/2 inches to add to our total this month so far. I have all the larger tomato plants outside now but I'm holding off on the smaller stragglers until the threat of frost is done. I have some lily and papaver bulbs to plant in the front yard cutting garden so I could plant them today. I have zinnia and marigold babies that I think should wait until it warms up a bit more along with the peppers and okra. The potatoes I planted in the 10 gallon bags are all coming up. The ones I planted in the 5 gallon bags are not there yet. I thought it might have something to do with the bag size but then I remembered I planted the red potatoes in the larger bags. The small bags got the white potatoes. The herb beds are really coming back to life and I'm tempted to clear away the winter mulch, but then the frost teaser makes me think it's better to leave it lie for awhile longer. My new experience this season is biting black gnats. Mosquitos have never found me all that tasty in the past, but in the last few days the black gnats (not mosquitos, tiny black flies with teeth) have been voracious. Apparently I react to their bites and have been on a steady diet of benedryl the past few days. So I haven't been all that perky lately.
Have you tried skin so soft Sarah? My folks swear by it for biting gnats and skeeters.
:yesss: :ya:clap:celebrate:wee
Work, work, work... I have back to back workshops to lead (virtually) today. In the middle of one now on a quick break. It's scheduled to 1pm and then another form 1pm-3pm followed by a meeting with my manager at 3-3:30pm. I'll be wrapping up the day early by 4pm for sure. All this back to back stuff without a break is mentally exhausting. I hope it's nice enough outside at 4pm for me to get some fresh air and stroll through the garden (pulling weeds and seeing what progress the plants are making). Mulch is helping a lot with the weeds this year, but the thistle are deeply rooted perennial weeds that seem to work their way up through anything so I keep pulling them. I got some of the roots out, but many of them are growing long shoots through the ground from a root that is ~6" deep. I'm not digging all the way down to those. On a select few big plants I did use the bulb auger. I tempted to use chemical warfare on them, but I don't want nasty chemicals in the garden we eat from. So for now I've resorted to trying to starve the roots by regularly pulling the plants regularly.
Need to do some things but no sun = no motivation .
x3, it's cloudy and lightly misting right now and I should be planting things but no motivation.
I’ve gotten a bad cold, so up at 2am to have a coughing fest (despite a few extended release meds), so I turned on Netflix. Oh, look! New episodes of “Hoarders”... lol...
Sorry about your cold, the isolation, hand washing, and masking seems to have protected us from getting any colds this year. And Hoarders is our very guilty pleasure. They always start out talking a good game and then fight the cleaners tooth and nail.
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!

Misting outside now but the "rain" is supposed to be finished by 1 or 2 so if it's really going to give us some useful rain it better get busy. If not I'll have to get out and water and plant more after lunch. Planning on fish tacos for lunch today and if I get the ribs out of the freezer and mix up some more rubs we'll have the ribs tomorrow or the next day.

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