What did you do in the garden today?

Today I let the clean up crew into the garden...not a ripe tomato to be found out there now!
Chickens are a great for garden demolition...
Today, I continued work on clearing land in the back yard. Moved several big logs to the HK pile, have about 6 more pulled out of the woods to trim up and add to the HK. Moved some huge rocks to the stone wall at the edge of the property. Have scavenged some more cardboard to lay down under the wood chips in the BTE orchard. Added more grass clippings to the growing compost mound in the green house. Didn't work with plants today, but got a lot accomplished to make way for more plants!!!
We went on a trip a couple weeks ago, and had our friends water it. We were gone for 4 days. It got to 112, so they went up to northern Az. And they left my garden to deal with heat. I have to water 3 times a day, it is so hot here, the soil drinks it up! I trusted her to water it, as she has done some gardening in the past. But everything died. Everything. Now the soil is as hard as a rock. I've watered but the soil underneath doesn't get any water. Any one have this problem with soil and know how to fix it? :/

I know I always say mulch, but mulch, and deep! with whatever you can get, hopefully the mulch will hold water long enough and eventually the soil with absorb it, and losen up again. You could even through plastic over the much and hold the moisture in better, or cook everything to a crisp... I don't really know your climate at all.

Have you both tried wicking bed's??
This allows the water to go straight to the Root's.. We are digging up an area to try it in a above ground bed.. Also thing about mounding with the wicking bed.. You can find lot's of great ideas for indoors as well..
Picked another three quarts of green beans today and blanched and froze them! We are up to 21 quarts in the freezer now.

I also picked some Asian beans and served them with dinner. I can't remember their name at the moment, but they are crazy long. Maybe they were called Mile Long Beans? Either way it is fun to grow different varieties. I've never seen anything like them before!

Now, I don't know about you... But I gotta see it to believe it. :frow. Will you post up photo's of the bush and where did you set your seed's?
We have a BYC seed box that another member started.. It travel's around the State of Arizona to different members.. We have a gathering with other chicken/gardening folk... Our next one is coming up here in Tempe... I'll look for a photo of the box, It is fun to see what BYC members sign the box..
Well, & all the beautiful seed's inside..

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