What did you do in the garden today?

I used to raise beardies. Awesome pets. I had one, when I came home from work she'd bang on the glass of her cage until I took her out and pet her and let her ride on my shoulder. What's hilarious is getting two males, with a pane of glass that's all that is separating them. Especially a young one and an older dominant one. The little one figures out fairly quick he's safe and taunts the other one who gets SOOOO mad lol. Picture this little lizard with the legs going a million miles an hour trying to push a pane of glass over, and the little one sitting there bobbing and taunting... the legs go even faster LOL.

I was always leery of feeding them caught from outside stuff, because you just never know what it got into, what poisons might be on it.

I had CUTWORMS this year for the first time, took down 2 of the tomato plants I had started from seed (luckily I hadn’t given away the extras yet). I put long skewer toothpicks around the bottom of the rest, and after a few nights w hunting w my headlamp & dumping cornmeal around them, I think I have it under control as my girls are now about 4 feet high w the beginnings of green tomatoes on most of them! First female zucchini flower opened today, of course no males open so I picked up the one that dropped yesterday & one that looks ready to open & rubbed them right on the tip, hopefully she pollinates! Seeing some baby beans starting too..,my favorite part of the garden is starting to be ready! Just a few more days!
Also I called the grocery store & they are giving me a watermelon bin for my chicks! Have to go grab it in a bit. The first store said they don’t give them away but the guy at the second one was so nice & said the truck would be happy to have one less to load & good luck w my chicks! 😊 Have a great day everyone!
The weather is nice in the morning, but noon time again a level 3 thunderstorm, so, just collect some flowers before they are destoryed by the strong rain.

Next morning I can arrange some flowers again.

"Chicks" are 18 (nearly 19) weeks old and yesterday, one of the Barred Rocks laid her first egg! Small, but nice shape and feels like a good thick shell.

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Trial bed of LENTILS - Yes, there are lentil plants in amongst the grass. I have weeded this area a lot. Information on lentils indicates they do NOT compete well with weeds, so keep the weeds minimal. I've tried, but its like all grass and other weeds just KNOW that they will have no competition with the lentils, so they grow and grow. So, now, I need to decide if I re-try the lentils (might have enough time still if I do it this week), or give up this year (try again next year) and instead grow something else in this very nice garden spot.
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Some tomatillo husks, with (I assume) tomatillos inside! Oh, and you can see in the back ground the one and only surviving Nastursium plant - probably bc it's among marigolds.
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So, I went to water the pot of Arugula on the deck. Yesterday it was fine - looking great, but obviously some insect really enjoyed it and stripped it down to the center leaf
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Last night I cooked a whole chicken in the pressure cooker. This is a CornishX we raised, so it's pretty large for a chicken. Only 12 min once it got up to pressure and less than 10 min for the pressure to reduce enough to open - pretty quick!. I was cooking it to have some "plain" chicken for recipes.
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Morning all. Still hot & humid out there. Took the biddies a while to get to bed, everyone fighting to be as far away from the scary fan as possible, knocking each other off the roost. :smack It was funny to watch though!

As a person who dated a drug addict I will put in my 2 cents & tell you AA classes & the like are the BEST place to get drugs, lol, he would always tell me that. He also said if he really wanted to get & stay clean he would have to move away from friends he did drugs with, places he did drugs & change his musical tastes. Driving by the ole bar was always a trigger. 30 years later & he is still a drug addict, he has been arrested numerous times but was never able to get any help. He is a functioning addict tho, always able to get a job as he's in the trades (HVAC, ASE & RVIA certified) but never able to keep it long - his jail time meant nothing. He runs his own business now & lives in his mom basement & every time I see him he is high. It all breaks my heart.

Anyway, we make smoothies here too, choc strawberry are my fave! :drool

My pepper plants FINALLY look amazing, they are loving this heat & growing like weeds. Sheesh, took forever.
One of my uncles was forced to attend NA because of how long he had been on prescription meds (5+ neck surgeries in 3-4 years). Said at least half the group was clearly high every meeting someone was always to the point of being nonverbal. And there was the guy that was dealing out of his car after the meeting. Nobody ever did anything about it.
Back to gardening... Got some picking done late last night. Not a whole lot but there was a lot more on the way.v
I just checked over stuff. No watering, but don't wants to say more and twist the knife. My ugly flowers from the bed are blooming now LOL.

I let Valentine out with her new babies for the first time this morning. She had them all in a plastic basket I use to collect eggs. Maybe because it is misting. May have to submit a POW about this one. How funny to put your chicks all in 1 basket!
Morning all!
I enjoy the occasional off-topic banter. I see us as a group of interested gardeners/farmers, brought together with a common interest who get together everyday over coffee(or tea) to jib-jab about our commonality, but sometime other things-life creep in, as it does in the real world.

It's what makes us a rounded individual. Everyone is entitled to opinions and their own methods, without anyone stepping on their toes to change their minds. We're all different, believe different things, it's how the world works. Respect for the individual. It's all good.

No different than the morning coffee row at the diner in the morning after chores.

How boring would life be if we only hung out with people exactly the same as we were? blech.

Anyway, garden needs a quick morning drink.
I think I'm off to the village to get those fly bags and some more pine shavings for the run. I'll make the ground even harder for the flies to find and lay eggs. All the rain has made that too easy.

Then I think I'll sew for the afternoon, or at least work in the room putting up the divider.

OH, I grabbed a box of grape nut FLAKES the other day and there was a recipe for protein balls on them. OK I'm addicted. DS makes them for us and puts them in the fridge.
1 cup of the flakes
1cup of the peanut butter - any nut butter
1cup of coconut (I use unsweetened)
1 cup of honey
(I add cinnamon, vanilla, and a bit more cereal)
scoop, chill, roll into balls and roll in extra cereal/cocoa/coconut, keep in fridge.
you could add dry fruit, nuts, granola, oatmeal

Get down and dirty all.
Aww, that's so cute! I especially love that rustic birdhouse, and the statuary looks nice too. I can't tell what exactly you have growing in there, but I would put in a layer of mulch around the plants, and butt it up against the little fence. Wood chips would be good, but a bale of straw spread around would work, if that's easier to haul home. It would not only help the plants retain water and discourage weeds, but would help hold up the little fence, too!
thanks ill see what i can do!

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