What did you do in the garden today?

I would say mine are about done also, but I'm having trouble letting go! I'm surprised the Suyos were the worst, mine held out pretty well to the wilt, they have a little, but the actual beetle damage is worse.

Man do I hate those bugs. They're on my squash too, but not causing damage there. Yet.
It seems the bacterial wilt I have here is mutant - kills and badly impacts a lot of plants. Ive tried at least 15 or more cucumber varieties. One year I planted 9 (yes, nine) varieties - and only got a few cucumbers for my efforts. So, this year, two of them are the type that do not need pollination (Im guessing for greenhouse purposes), and two that are disease resistant. We also planted them later this year - mid-July rather than late May. Maybe that helped too.

I struggle with the cucumber beetles - I want to kill them, but I don't want to kill bees or praying mantis or any other beneficial insect. very occasionally I might spray Sevin, and it does kill them, but I try to avoid using Sevin on flowering veg that attracts bees.

Side note: I'm beginning to hate JBs just as much - STILL killing them! killed some on a fruit tree yesterday and had another one on the asparagus this morning! I just hope it is a really bad year for them. They really quickly damage so much and we are scouting for them daily, so its not like they are getting ignored.
Good morning gardeners. Watered a bit this morning. The xeriscape garden has grown so much since last year!

Lemon tree and Arabian lilac


Bells of fire and yellow bells next to the shade garden
I have about 4-6 weeks to my first average frost, so way too late for butternut squash. They need 90+ days.

I can claim an exemption from that requirement. I was caught leaving zucchini on people's front porches, on the hoods of cars in parking lots, and in the night depository of a few banks. I am not allowed to grow zucchini in my garden. If I want any, I have to ask another gardener -- VERY nicely -- if they will give me some. They are allowed to give me ONLY one, and it can be no more than 10" long. If I go to a farmer's market, I have to show ID to buy any, and the one squash, 10" long rule applies there too.

:lau :lau :lau Come be my neighbor! You can grow all the zucchini you want and I would be happy to help you eat it! lol!
@Acre4Me - would you mind sharing the names of the 2 that you grew that don't need pollination? I was considering skipping cukes next year, but I would think about doing those under netting. Did you like the taste of both of them? I so love the Suyo's...

& I can't believe you still have JB! We got swarmed all at once but they were gone quickly, quicker than I ever remember them going. But the new traps I bought worked really well too.

@igorsMistress I can't believe how far you've come with the garden. It was a barren desert when you started & now it's gorgeous & lush!
Babies are put to bed! So cute!

I think all cucumbers have finished. We actually got a few this year, so I’m happy!! The worst one was Suyo long- it succumbed to wilt soonest.

Butternuts are not doing great- we have several, but not growing as large as expected. However, we are pretty sure nutrients were lacking in the soil. We did fertilize, but not enough and so we will need to amend more next year.

Melons also have been disssppointing. We have gotten a few small ones of two varieties. However, considering we planted 11 varieties (musk melons, honeydew and watermelons) I would have expected better results.

Have you ever tried using alfalfa pellets as an amendment? The horse food. I used it for the first time this year and I love the stuff!
Oh yes, Clifford! I was away when he was adopted, lol. So what does he turn into? I know regular THW are hummingbird moths. He really is cute.

& I don't think I could ever have too much squash either! I love it as zoodles or boats, in breads, soups, fritters, casseroles in garlic & EVOO - so much you can do with it! I'm not a fan of it when it gets big & seedy though, I remove the seeds if it's evaded picking.
This is amazing. Front row seats to Clifford's transformation. I feel like I should be paying for this. View attachment 3226027
Clifford's final pupae phase is when they drop to the ground, burrow in, turn to goo and eventually turn to a moth. THey don't cocoon like a butterfly. So when he stops to go to ground. I'll put him back outside. We'll never see him turn, burrow out, and fly away.
DH wanted me to just chuck him.
I told him, "did you MISS the part where we NAMED HIM?!?!?"
Now he's a protected species!
Have you ever tried using alfalfa pellets as an amendment? The horse food. I used it for the first time this year and I love the stuff!
You can also get shredded alfalfa by the bale. I found an OLD bale in a tub in the barn... Going to mix it into the garden this winter to compost.

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