What did you do in the garden today?

Making fried rice is not all that difficult. The first thing you need is to plan ahead. Use leftover rice or make it early in the day so it has time to cool and dry.
Thanks, it sounds like the trick I was missing was giving the cooked rice time to dry out,
"boy in the bubble" was 70s/80s
Remembering from back then, it was at the beginning of the AIDS crisis, before health professionals knew that there was a virus causing immune deficiency.
It's still a serious issue, but since it's become more controllable and containable, I still laugh about the Seinfeld "Bubble Boy" episode - "Moors!" No, the card says "Moops!"
started my plants, indoors - way too early. My tomatoes are huge, and now I'm concerned about hardening them off. I'm new to starting my own plants and I won't make that mistake, again. I hope I don't lose them.
Just keep them under some shelter - inside, or a greenhouse, cold frames, row cloths, as long as they're not exposed to frost. Even mulched up and covered with a spare sheet...As long as you can keep them alive, they will catch up in growth to ones you wait to plant. Good luck, they are hardier than you think!
We have a few evenings coming up with lows in the 30’s ( with lowest predicted to be 34). Should I cover the garlic and onions ?
What about the raspberry and blueberries I planted last week?
Highs are supposed to be 50’s & 60’s.
Better than us. 3 hours below freezing tonight and 6 hours tomorrow night between 32 and 24!!! I'm draining the irrigation system as we speak. I can't cover the massive pear trees, so those blossoms will be lost. I can do the two smaller apple trees and the cherry and will cover the horseradish plants.
The butterfly garden is under a hoop system, with plastic and insulation and a moving blanket for night time, and I will put a 5 gallon hot water heat sink in there with the warm bricks. Best I can do.
I need to pot up, MUST pot up tomatoes this weekend. MUST
I picked up some more herbs yesterday for the kitchen garden (dang mice)
And a vine jasmine for the butterfly garden, as well as 8 more strawberry plants.
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Update on rose of Sharon cutting. I only found videos on summer cuttings. So here are my thoughts on cuttings. Summer semi hardwood cuttings work because it is hot. Temperature is important as is moisture - humidity. This worked on dormant hardwood cutting because I kept it at 85 degrees and humid.
Update on rose of Sharon cutting. I only found videos on summer cuttings. So here are my thoughts on cuttings. Summer semi hardwood cuttings work because it is hot. Temperature is important as is moisture - humidity. This worked on dormant hardwood cutting because I kept it at 85 degrees and humid.View attachment 3475890
Something about green leaves make me happy :)
We have a few evenings coming up with lows in the 30’s ( with lowest predicted to be 34). Should I cover the garlic and onions ?
What about the raspberry and blueberries I planted last week?
My garlic and onions have been fine at those temps. I think that as long as the fruit bushes aren't in flower, they'll be ok. Actually, 34 *should* not be a problem. 32 is where it starts. Someone chime in if I'm wrong, please.

I'm fairly confident that my fruit trees and blueberries will get through the coming cold snap ok. They hardly even have leaves out. And the days aren't going to be warm and sunny like they were a week or so ago, so they aren't in a hurry to even grow their leaves.

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