What did you do in the garden today?

Finished adjusting the deep drip water irrigation on the tomato plants. I fixed a major leak that was out there hiding under the mulch.
And tied up all the plants. I was out there for an hour, so I think tonight's watering will hold them through tomorrow, and then I'll give them their weekly feeding Thursday.
I'm already treating for End Rot, JUST in case.
I picked all my garlic bulbs today. They were mostly falling over and some of the leaves were starting to turn yellow so I figured it was time.

Can anyone identify the type of garlic this is? I bought the bulbs last spring (2022) from Home Depot, and the label just said "Garlic".

I planted them last spring, they came up, grew a bit and immediately died back. Then they came back up early this spring.

I think it might be a hardneck variety. A couple of the stems were kind of hard and woody, but the others just flopped over.

It smells like the bunches of wild onions/garlic that grew in the yard when I was a kid.

If it's a decent variety I'll just replant all of them in a more proper garlic bed when the time is right for fall planting.

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Looks like purple Italian. But, I’m not very experienced growing garlic, and there are other varieties that get purple too.
I am at my wits end with our pasture. I have spent nearly $2000 over the past 2 years trying to improve the grass for the horses. Tonight I took a spin in the 4 wheeler and confirmed we have no grass. It's all scrub and weeds. :barnie My poor horses have lost so much weight from lack of good, consistent forage. It's only June and I have to hay already... (and finding hay is near impossible....).

I gotta figure out the best way forward. I think instead of spending another $600 on more grass seed, I'm going to focus on killing weeds and spraying fertilizer. Maybe that will encourage whatever grass does exist. I'm also going to pick up some timers and set up some sprinklers to water the pasture as far out as I can reach from the house. Just so frustrated.... :he
I added another section of chicken fencing on the west side of my garden today. Only the north side is unprotected now. I used a bunch of leftover pallet pieces and made an extremely ugly fence. LOL

I've planted plenty of watermelons, but somehow, they've failed to get the message TO GROW! We've had tons of rain, so they have plenty of water. I give them manure tea once in a while, so where are my watermelons???
You have to fertilize them twice a week. Also, if your plant grows but you don’t get any watermelons, you should consider hand pollination. Nonetheless, if you grow seedless varieties, you must plant seeded varieties next to them.
Nope. Private wells, private use. If your well goes dry it goes dry, and then you're shipping in water at an insane rate, but they obviously don't know or care. The city south of us has voluntary 'please only water your lawn every other day' at the moment, but judging by the neon green lawns, golf courses, and parking lot verges, that is not happening, nor have they cut down on car washing businesses, which usually have lines.

My well is 420 feet deep, so those using water below my well in excess can be lowering my table. The inconsideration and waste is driving me insane. If the water is there and you want to pay to pump it out of the ground, fine, it's your money. But we are on year 3 of drought.
Hahaha so funny. We have laws! Watering your lawn during winder is FORBIDDEN! Washing the car with a water hose? FORBIDDEN! Have a swimming pool in your garden? Beware not to piss your neighbour, or you might get reported, since you know, it’s FORBIDDEN. I don’t actually know the prices of water, but there’s a different fee for agriculture than house usage.
Most water doesn’t come from rain, but from the Mediterranean Sea, they take the salt out, add some minerals in, and pump it to most cities in the country. The water from the large lake, which fills from rain, is mostly given to our neighbour country, since that was the peace agreement.

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