What did you do in the garden today?

I think my acorn squash plants have been attacked by Squash vine borders. They are growing up one side of a cattle panel trellis. They suddenly wilted. On the other side of the arch, I have pie pumpkins, that seem ok, so far. My neighbor has a garden just on the other side of my fence and said that one of her zucchini wilted the same way.
A couple of the acorn squash look close to ready. The pie pumpkins are still fully green. Is there anything I can do to save them?
I think my acorn squash plants have been attacked by Squash vine borders. They are growing up one side of a cattle panel trellis. They suddenly wilted. On the other side of the arch, I have pie pumpkins, that seem ok, so far. My neighbor has a garden just on the other side of my fence and said that one of her zucchini wilted the same way.
A couple of the acorn squash look close to ready. The pie pumpkins are still fully green. Is there anything I can do to save them?
Thank you @WthrLady and @jerryse

I hope my plants can hold out a couple more days. I have my grandson for the weekend. Oh, gosh - it's a holiday weekend, too. I'll have to look and see if the store will be open on Monday.

Well... at least I know what do do, now. Another question: should I be planting my squash somewhere else, next year?

Gosh - can you imagine being a farmer and having these pests?
Thank you @WthrLady and @jerryse

I hope my plants can hold out a couple more days. I have my grandson for the weekend. Oh, gosh - it's a holiday weekend, too. I'll have to look and see if the store will be open on Monday.

Well... at least I know what do do, now. Another question: should I be planting my squash somewhere else, next year?

Gosh - can you imagine being a farmer and having these pests?
We have 'em, but we have the training to use the heavy duty stuff to get rid of them, or at least control them.
I lost my plant in the garden to squash bugs. I never treated it though.
Thank you for the information about this scam. I had to have my bank deny all transactions from Amazon because they were charging me for books I didn't order. So the online shopping always causes me to feel stressed and concerned.
I had a problem like that, just when the pandemic started, so I bought everything online, and Amazon no longer sent invoices, and since I was a Prime member, they always deducted a bit, so the prices were crooked… and they didn’t deduct per oder, but per item, so I lost oversight, and somebody started shopping on my dime , always under “amazon media” but regular Amazon did that too, so, it took a few weeks for me to find out, when I did, I cancelled most orders( even ones I had ordered) and got most of my money back, I contacted Amazon about it a lot, they always ( thank God) returned the money but somehow couldn’t stop it. It was so nerve wracking that I cancelled my Amazon account ( all the stuff the kids bought online too like movies was gone after that too, but it was worth it to me) so I no longer have an Amazon account
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My back is telling me I worked yesterday. And my left Achilles. The first time that happened, I was surprised that I'd ache there. Yeah, from stepping on shovel on very heavy soil.

The good news? I have a few butternut squash! I had given up on them, and I even have one that will have some size to it, if it ripens.

Still not going to plant them next year. Yeah, see what I say in the spring.

Does anyone know WHY the female blossoms have been so late in coming? I'll have dozens of male flowers, but with no girls, it's all for naught.

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