What did you do in the garden today?

Thank you, all, for the well wishes. Sadly, she did not survive... The vet put her down when he arrived late this evening. We knew her chances were very slim. I have her covered up in the barn since weather is bad. DH will call someone tomorrow to come bury her.

We are keeping our other mare in a stall for the night so she doesn't run around in a panic looking for her friend. On Wednesday, we'll transfer her back to the boarding facility where my daughter has her show horse. That way she won't be alone...

For the first time in 20 yrs, I won't have horses to care for every day. Still have horses we own, just none on our farm.
Thank you, all, for the well wishes. Sadly, she did not survive... The vet put her down when he arrived late this evening. We knew her chances were very slim. I have her covered up in the barn since weather is bad. DH will call someone tomorrow to come bury her.

We are keeping our other mare in a stall for the night so she doesn't run around in a panic looking for her friend. On Wednesday, we'll transfer her back to the boarding facility where my daughter has her show horse. That way she won't be alone...

For the first time in 20 yrs, I won't have horses to care for every day. Still have horses we own, just none on our farm.
I'm so sorry. :hugs
Thank you, all, for the well wishes. Sadly, she did not survive... The vet put her down when he arrived late this evening. We knew her chances were very slim. I have her covered up in the barn since weather is bad. DH will call someone tomorrow to come bury her.

We are keeping our other mare in a stall for the night so she doesn't run around in a panic looking for her friend. On Wednesday, we'll transfer her back to the boarding facility where my daughter has her show horse. That way she won't be alone...

For the first time in 20 yrs, I won't have horses to care for every day. Still have horses we own, just none on our farm.
I'm so sorry to hear this. :hugs
Thank you, all, for the well wishes. Sadly, she did not survive... The vet put her down when he arrived late this evening. We knew her chances were very slim. I have her covered up in the barn since weather is bad. DH will call someone tomorrow to come bury her.

We are keeping our other mare in a stall for the night so she doesn't run around in a panic looking for her friend. On Wednesday, we'll transfer her back to the boarding facility where my daughter has her show horse. That way she won't be alone...

For the first time in 20 yrs, I won't have horses to care for every day. Still have horses we own, just none on our farm.
I am so sorry !
Thank you, all, for the well wishes. Sadly, she did not survive... The vet put her down when he arrived late this evening. We knew her chances were very slim. I have her covered up in the barn since weather is bad. DH will call someone tomorrow to come bury her.

We are keeping our other mare in a stall for the night so she doesn't run around in a panic looking for her friend. On Wednesday, we'll transfer her back to the boarding facility where my daughter has her show horse. That way she won't be alone...

For the first time in 20 yrs, I won't have horses to care for every day. Still have horses we own, just none on our farm.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending love and support. :hugs
Awesome & very informative, thank you!

I have been drinking a teaspoon of Braggs ACV in a glass of water daily. I don't mind that taste at all.

Looking into kombucha, I also found this helpful info as I avoid sugar, especially processed sugar, with exception to natural honey. I'm thinking we can create some very unique flavors. Cherries & honey sound good.

https://www.culturedfoodlife.com/what-kind-of-sugars-can-i-use-in-kombucha/#:~:text=Stevia or Non Caloric Sweeteners,they will starve and die.

my mother was drinking ACV in water daily and her doctor told her to drink it for 2 weeks than 1 week off. I don't know why as my mother didn't ask just took it for granted.
Thank you, all, for the well wishes. Sadly, she did not survive... The vet put her down when he arrived late this evening. We knew her chances were very slim. I have her covered up in the barn since weather is bad. DH will call someone tomorrow to come bury her.

We are keeping our other mare in a stall for the night so she doesn't run around in a panic looking for her friend. On Wednesday, we'll transfer her back to the boarding facility where my daughter has her show horse. That way she won't be alone...

For the first time in 20 yrs, I won't have horses to care for every day. Still have horses we own, just none on our farm.

so sorry for your loss :hugs

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