What did you do in the garden today?

holy crap on a cracker what a day This one was so large, I can see it 25 miles away. And it's STILL going at almost 5pm. THREE hours!
I spent about three hours weeding the beds in the front yard, removing little trees, honeysuckle, wisteria, and 😱 poison ivy. I also pruned last year's hydrangea blooms and dead wood on one of my gardenias.

These irises haven't bloomed in 15 years. After I weeded the bed I dug up some of the plants and put them aside to transplant to a sunnier location.

Potbound monardas. I decided to transplant them into the ground as well.

When I removed them from the pot I discovered a fire ant nest...


As I dug holes for the iris I added some peat moss. That's sedum on the right.


Irises on the left, monarda on the right.


Red vinca for hummingbirds and butterflies.

I'm hoping to get more done tomorrow, I still have a lot of annuals waiting for a place to grow.
I didn't do much in the garden today. Chopped out a few weeds with the hoe, and saw that some of the poppy seeds I planted a few months ago have turned into little plants with 2 inch long leaves.

The leaf buds on couple of the native red huckleberry cuttings I'm trying to root are starting to green up and open. Hopefully at least one will be a success so I can plant it in the rotting fir tree stump in the yard.
I got all the frost protection stuff picked up. It's not all put away yet. All those garbage bags need to be smoothed out and folded up. I'm not tossing them.

I didn't see some new asparagus seedlings when I was covering the rest of the asparagus, so they're probably not going to make it. The spears I covered looked fine.

I had a lot of other things I wanted to get done today, but instead hubby and I went to the new location his company is moving to. (He works part-time, on call, at his old job because it's fun.)

The place is 4x the space and a MUCH better layout. They'll be needing him some in the coming weeks/months. The person they hired to replace his replacement didn't work out. So he'll be doing his old job, and when they find and hire someone, training him/her.

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