What did you do in the garden today?

It wasn't yesterday/today but my weekend was very productive.

Got the fence up on the chicken run.
Turned over the compost pile.
Cut down the invasive weed/trees around the compost pile area.
Planted the remaining 6 Better Boy tomatoes
Planted sunflowers around gardens and started 18 seeds in planting tubes (hopefully they come up for transplanting around coop/run.

Now we wait like good little gardners. My Habaneros that I planted outside 28 Feb have little white blooms already.
this weekend, got all the started plants in the hay bales.three different varieties of cherry tomoatoes, couple of different sweet peppers, four different variety of long green beans, yellow and green squash. also prepped two 4'x8' raised beds for something......not sure yet.
Today I hoped to get peas, broccoli, sweet onions, garlic and some flowers planted in the garden...also have some strawberries to put out. Also need to get some roses we bought yesterday into the ground.

I also hope to get soil mixed for my seedling trays. I'm using potting soil and worm compost mix this year and will cover that by shredded leaves to retain the moisture in the trays well. Lot's of hope packaged up in those little seeds.....
Yesterday I picked up cilantro, rosemary and lettuce at the feed store. My cilantro and lettuce seeds seem to be duds. (Probably too old). With all of the warm weather I have been in a hurry to get things in the ground, but now it is going to snow
on Sunday! It's a nice reminder to take my time. Spinach and peas are in, some first crops of beets, chard, carrots, radish are started, onions are in and strawberries are uncovered. Lots of seedlings under grow lights....
Getting snow here too, so we must be near. You are WAY ahead of me on getting stuff in...hope to get things in today after more coop tweaking. This early spring is making me feel in a hurry too and I have to keep reminding myself that it's not all that late in the year, it's just unseasonably warm earlier this year.
OOOHH, look! What's that bright thing in the sky? Oh, now I remember...I've started my tomatoes indoors, and as someone else said, I think I'll tempt fate and put out some cool weather seeds. We've had sleet the last couple of days, so not great for getting out there; but today I want to be outside for a few hours: clean-up to do, posts to move, and fate to tempt. The garlic I had planted last year didn't do so well; but I mulched it at the end of the season and it looks to be coming back up. I don't know much about growing garlic, so I'll wait and see what happens. Is anyone on BYC doing micro greens? I think I'll start playing with them today, another thing I've not tried before.
They seem a little too fiddly for me to want to put up with, but they seem to be all the rage right now in the finer restaurants and on those cooking shows. I've never tried them.

I'm none too wise on growing garlic either....I've never been too successful at it, but am trying again this year to see what happens in this Back to Eden garden method. I'm planting a lot of things in it I don't normally plant, just to see if this method will be effective for such things.
The lilies are going in the ground this afternoon! It's a little chilly today but at least it's not raining!

Quick soil question: if I lay down manure and peat moss and mix it really well with the soil that's already there, do I need to lay down gardening soil as well?
OOOHH, look! What's that bright thing in the sky? Oh, now I remember...I've started my tomatoes indoors, and as someone else said, I think I'll tempt fate and put out some cool weather seeds. We've had sleet the last couple of days, so not great for getting out there; but today I want to be outside for a few hours: clean-up to do, posts to move, and fate to tempt. The garlic I had planted last year didn't do so well; but I mulched it at the end of the season and it looks to be coming back up. I don't know much about growing garlic, so I'll wait and see what happens. Is anyone on BYC doing micro greens? I think I'll start playing with them today, another thing I've not tried before.

Garlic is super easy! It sounds like you're doing it correctly if it's coming back up now. It will grow a little in after planted in the fall (I plant mine around Halloween) then die back during winter then pop back up in spring
Hardneck varieties will get the scape sometime around late spring/early summer; cut it off and enjoy in stir fry or chopped up in any recipe for a light garlic flavor, or make a pesto! Cutting off the scape will force the plant to put the energy back into bulb production. Once 4 or so outer leaves die back it's time to harvest (usually around July). I rinse off extra soil and hang mine in the shed for it to cure for a week or two. You don't want to leave it cure in sunlight otherwise it will get bitter. Save the largest cloves to replant in the fall.

I'm worried mine are going to have really little cloves since the weather has been so warm and it grew pretty much throughout the winter, but we'll see.
I think Beekissed was referring to microgreens. But the garlic: I had planted it about a year and a half ago under the raspberries, and the soil was none too good. So no result the first year. Since then I've been mulching as much as possible plus other amendments, and the scapes at least look happy. Oh yes, I'll be putting scapes into salads. Yum! And more mulch around the plants.

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