What did you do in the garden today?

Sunny and warm today.
I moved some of my compost pile to the back of the yard the other day.
Today I used some of the remaining pile to layer with rabbit tea ( poop and water that was a couple days old) and soil in a bigger bed.
Lima beans and Peas are sprouting. So are the wildflowers and sunflower seeds out by the chick's run.
My goal is to have one more bigger bed and the 4 smaller ones planted this week.
Garlic and tomato plants look great.

Hope everyone in the path stays safe during the severe storms.
Took a stroll around the garden

Azaleas in bloom
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This is either a peony that I swore was dead or (more likely) pokeweed.

Bumblebees swarming the wisteria


Grapes coming back to life

Arugula about to bolt
Planted 40 strawberry crowns and 100 onions out in the garden. The strawberries were 20 Quinalt and 20 All-Star. The onions were Van Zyverden brand and just said "red" for the variety. I also have "yellow" to still plant. I found it odd that there was not an actual variety name anywhere on the packages on onions.

We also uppotted starts of tomatoes, watermelon, basil, cucumber, and yellow squash.
I picked up another bag of potting soil. It's time for me to start more bok choi and lettuce seeds. I mowed a little bit yesterday, just the part of the yard visible from the road. After I pick up some fallen branches, I'm going to mow the rest of the yard today.

My yard is full of daisies, but they are low to the ground so mowing doesn't remove the blossoms. Good for the pollinators.


Finished mowing the yard. Noticed that the onion sets I planted a month or so ago are nearly 6 inches above the ground now. And one of my parsley plants made it through the winter, it's greening up.

I had a parsley plant last year that was in its second year, and it was a fantastic pollinator attractor. It flowered all summer and was covered with tiny, parasitic wasps.

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