What did you do in the garden today?

I did a quick Walmart delivery for washers and screws yesterday. I got the last piece of HC hung. Today I put the door together and hopefully move the littles into their grow out pen. My potatoes are starting to pop through the dirt. I left my tomato starts out all last night. They look fine. I’m hoping to get back to gardening in the next few days. Tomorrow I get to take the grand kids shopping for Mother’s Day gifts. I did managed to make brownies yesterday so that should provide my daily chocolate fix for a little while.
The ticks are bad here this year too.
We need temperatures far below freezing for much longer than the two weeks we had.
I've already pulled two off my head this year.
I found two on me back in February. I was sure that they weren't ticks, not in February! But yeah, they were. I don't think they bit me.
You can see exactly how high the girls can jump!
My girls keep my fruit trees tidy just like that. 🤣 I love watching them jump for leaves.

Yesterday I got everything ready in the morning for us to leave for Disneyland. I fertilized everything, and gave everything a good drink. I put the remaining seedlings in my lean-to shed behind the garage. Sure they won't get good light for the next two days, but they won't die!

Before we left I saw that my pole beans are coming up. Bummer that I can't be home. Hoping that the earwigs and rollies leave them alone while I'm gone. I put out bait.
My girls keep my fruit trees tidy just like that. 🤣 I love watching them jump for leaves.
DH & I were sitting in the hot tub a couple days ago cracking up at how funny they are jumping up for leaves! Enjoy your vacation!

It's my day off so I'm chilling out this am. Going to make a million chaffles then go out & sow some seeds. That bunny & her nest are killing me, I wanted to cover that with bug netting for cucumbers. I'm not sure what to do now. :mad:

& that stupid squirrel tore out some garlic plants. Man I can't wait for the new garden fence!

I should just let the dog in the garden, he'll take care of all the critters.
That bunny & her nest are killing me, I wanted to cover that with bug netting for cucumbers. I'm not sure what to do now. :mad:

I had rabbits try to nest in my garden one year, I dealt with them by just neglecting to tell the family member in charge of managing the sprinkler system to turn it off in that area. They cleared out on their own after the nest started getting watered regularly. I don’t know if that’s practical or possible for your situation though. Good luck regardless!
DH & I were sitting in the hot tub a couple days ago cracking up at how funny they are jumping up for leaves! Enjoy your vacation!

It's my day off so I'm chilling out this am. Going to make a million chaffles then go out & sow some seeds. That bunny & her nest are killing me, I wanted to cover that with bug netting for cucumbers. I'm not sure what to do now. :mad:

& that stupid squirrel tore out some garlic plants. Man I can't wait for the new garden fence!

I should just let the dog in the garden, he'll take care of all the critters.
And probably dig holes...
No wonder I was sweating just walking around the gardens a few minutes ago, it's 86° already, Heat Index is 89° 🥵

I topped off the ponds, bird baths, watered a pot of monarda, and some of the annuals I planted last week. I checked the tomatoes and snapped off the suckers. I'll need to tie them to the trellis, soon.

Water lilies are blooming...

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