What did you do in the garden today?

I left the empty pot alone and more tomatoes sprouted. It's like that because I originally squeezed a couple of F2 cherry tomatoes in the pot.
My tomatillos got frozen before they ripened last year. DS smashed them all. Over. The. garden. I thought, "they were young, the seeds can't be viable". Oh how wrong I was.

I'm going to have a ton of tomatillos this year. What's interesting is how much more impressive the volunteer plants are compared to my indoor started ones. Stalks are double the thickness, at least. I can hit them with the hose stream and they don't even budge.

My plot of beets appears to be a bust. Only two came up out of the 18+ I planted. 3 seeds per hole. I've never had an issue with beets. Must have been that cold snap we had I guess.

Carrots are looking like carrots now. I pulled one and ate it while I harvested snap peas yesterday. Looks like my garlic will be ready in a few more weeks. The last few onions I have finally bolted so I'll pull them this week. I need to get more bush beans in the ground.

On Sunday I spread mulch on all of my raised beds except the one with the peas and kale. It got really hot on Sunday, really fast. I had to call it quits at about 11am. 92 degrees and the sun was beating. My summer squash and tomatoes protested. Even I agreed with them though. 🤣 I wilted and hid inside.

My dill and cilantro are flowering finally. I'll be glad when I can pull them out and collect the seeds again. They are taking up prime basil areas. Soon I'll scatter basil seeds everywhere and see where it wants to grow this year. I have basil I started in pots but there's no such thing as too much basil.

Purslane is finally trying to take over. I've been pulling it every day and I'm still nowhere close to having it all removed. There's so many...😭

Happy Tuesday everyone!
What's interesting is how much more impressive the volunteer plants are compared to my indoor started ones.
I agree. I have not bought Sungold starts in years because the volunteers just do so much better! But sometimes they cross with my brandywines & make funny catfaced little maters. 😆

So what does everyone use as mulch on the garden paths?
Today...clean out firepit & spread ash on garden. Lay down cardboard & mulch for the walkways, if my back can take it.
The flock Loves free range time with me out here to chase hawks & foxes off.
they are not invasive in my climate. we have to water them here. I would like to have wisteria like this (internet pic):

View attachment 3831296
It comes up all over the yard, including my raised beds. The pretty flowers for a couple weeks aren't worth the struggle to keep it under control...
I agree. I have not bought Sungold starts in years because the volunteers just do so much better! But sometimes they cross with my brandywines & make funny catfaced little maters. 😆

So what does everyone use as mulch on the garden paths?
Cardboard between the raised beds ⬇️
Thanks for the video! I needed a good laugh today. Curly is the best Stooge ever!
What's interesting is how much more impressive the volunteer plants are compared to my indoor started ones. Stalks are double the thickness, at least. I can hit them with the hose stream and they don't even budge.

I agree. I have not bought Sungold starts in years because the volunteers just do so much better!
I found a little volunteer tomato in the garden yesterday and decided to leave it and see if it catches up with the foot-tall tomato plants I put in the ground a few days ago.

If it performs as well as the plants I spent time, money and effort starting indoors, I will try planting some of my store-bought tomato seeds in the ground this fall and see how they do next year when direct seeded.

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