What did you do with your flock today?

Ohh my I was going to have 6 barred rock no rooster
37 birds later .. Okay I had two real EE, those went to friend I could catch them. :confused: So the two I had where from my Postal Bud. One went broody but left the nest for another nest box day 3 .. Took them and a few more for my little incubator. She is in the broody buster now.
Last night the other EE lay dead on floor ? No sign of damage :idunno
I’m sorry for your loss.
How old was she? I had a hen die from a heart attack a few years ago. She was two, and there were no previous signs. Losing them unexpectedly can be harder than when you know it’s coming.
Too funny @penny about the 6 BR and 37 later... My worst was 60 in all but I was selling chicks so thinning as I went. The whole thing was a good fun juggle... now it is just a juggle that I worry about dropping the ball with... :barnie I gotta say one thing I have learn with my chicken keeping is it ebbs and flows, rains and shines, good days and bad but they all turn good again in the end so I keep on. With my wounded hen, a recently diseased, a mite outbreak, 4 chicks to raise and rehome (mite free), 4 new layers and 2 caged roosters and 2 roo's active in the flock, I would be kind of insane if I was not twitching a little right now. The separating alone is an art form. :thAn exhausting art form.

Yes, & drama, drama drama! :gig:jumpy

I am so sorry for your loss :hugslosing chooks mysteriously is scary. I hope that it is an isolated incident Penny. :fl :fl :fl
60? Wow! The most I’ve ever had at one time was 20, I think. Now I’m down to 19. I can’t imagine having more than that at the same time. I don’t think I could keep up with them all. :th
I’m sorry for your loss.
How old was she? I had a hen die from a heart attack a few years ago. She was two, and there were no previous signs. Losing them unexpectedly can be harder than when you know it’s coming.

60? Wow! The most I’ve ever had at one time was 20, I think. Now I’m down to 19. I can’t imagine having more than that at the same time. I don’t think I could keep up with them all. :th
At some point we just have to stop counting. It's more like, does this feel like too many or does this feel like too few?!!
60 qty was a lot of littles :loveso not sure if that is a fair count and in chicken math it may be more like 5qty right? All is fair in love and chickens!
I trimmed my faverolles nails today. I should’ve done it sooner, but I (wrongly) assumed they would file them down themselves. It went really well, especially for my first time. The quick was really hard to see, but I managed not to hit it. :yesss:

Nikki was pretty chill the entire time, but Santa tried to escape twice, and Coco was being pretty vocal (she wasn’t in pain if anyone was worried, she just likes to talk over people :rolleyes:).

I’ll have to do it again in another week or so, since they’re still pretty long. I might’ve been able to trim them shorter today, but I didn’t want to risk it. I had one of my girls break a nail down to the quick a few years ago, and I do not want to go through that again.
I had a pretty big day doing stuff for the chooks. Beside the usual chores, I finished tacking in the 2x4 wire into the frames for our front lanai gates so the chicken mob does not come up and steal cat food and leave poop and make DH mad any more.

Then DH and I installed. How's that hardware?!! 20210322_164000.jpg

They match the one we built for the back lanai. That one works... pretty good :hmm 20210322_181228.jpg 20210322_181254.jpg 20210322_181210.jpg

DH started my double bachelor coop and he is on a roll. Usually I am left to fend for myself with my builds so I am digging the help. Tomorrow I'll put the wire and build doors if it does not rain, then roof. Another week maybe and most exciting!!! I have a few handsome boys who are going to love the upgrade.

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