What did you do with your flock today?

Question for you all. I was taught to use oatmeal dry to solve stress. Has always worked here for them
I have never heard of dried oats relieving stress. I've heard to not feed uncooked oats thought... 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
B12 works to reduce stress in humans and that is what I always give my flock/any chook after transport. It is very pleasant in the water and it gets sucked up pretty quick.
So that is the Rooster Booster product? that is touted ?
Never had it do have a product called nuri drench I use on peeps these are the ones I know JMHO
The B12 smells fruity and I notice they are much happier to drink it. Just 2 tblsp in 1 gal. Can but on Amazon or feed store.
We are pretty hot here so I have to be careful to not turn them off of drinking. I use the drench for my chicks or wounded or mix in food but it smells nasty lol.
I do add ACV from time to time but have not bought into The vitamin for all they want us to do. That is just me.
I go out of our way to feed a great diet of mash they love ..
I do give the ACV 1/4 cup for 15 gallons of water .. Wood ash for bugs. Mealworms about 1 a month maybe 2 times if I remeber but huge amounts :celebrate
I do add ACV from time to time but have not bought into The vitamin for all they want us to do. That is just me.
I go out of our way to feed a great diet of mash they love ..
I do give the ACV 1/4 cup for 15 gallons of water .. Wood ash for bugs. Mealworms about 1 a month maybe 2 times if I remeber but huge amounts
I rarely remember to do the ACV. Yeah, all kinds of great things to do for days. I just somehow like the vits because I saw results or maybe it is the convenience. As I venture down my path in chicken world I am sure I will find other, better solutions. Like potash... I add to my compost but never thought to add for my chickens to bathe in.

Ahhh they’re all so pretty! I love seeing pictures 😍

You have quail too?? How many? I forget! We just left early this morning for Disneyworld and already my pet sitter got one of my birds murdered. :-( Apparently she wasn’t listening when I told her the quail CANNOT be let out as they will fly away. AND she opened their doors while my dog was out back…so he killed the one who flew into the yard :-( She didn’t know how many got out either so I have no idea who is gone. She called it a chicken too, so I was panicking that one of my babies got killed UGHHHH. I love my quail too but it’s not the same! I’m so upset! My rooster attacked her too, so she’s a frazzled mess and feels horrible. What a way to start the trip! Blah!!
Thank you! I have two of them, Calypso and Medea. They’re technically my sisters quail, so I don't talk about them as much as the chickens.

I'm sorry. ☹️ I hope the rest of your trip goes smoothly.
So sorry @kurby22 . I had a similar experience happen when I had to go to Oahu for my DH's emergency. That was years ago and I'm still not over it lol. Some people are not as smart as they would like us to believe. My pet sitter was 30. After 5 days I was down 3 chickens and a $300 vet bill for my horse.
BUT. Leave it all behind and enjoy your family. It may be awhile b4 you do this again. Also, hope she learned from her mistake. 🙏🙏🙏

@frankiI love the grass you have in your quails estate. Is that Timothy or did you cut and dry?? Looks super comfortable.

After the rain last week our Green Panic grass bolted. So, I asked DH to cut me some to dry on my coop roof. It is the BEST nesting material and I like that it is so readily available. Lucky us.View attachment 2905391
Wonderful Spider, think he is hanging with and keeping his watchful eye on the babies 😉 such a good boy.View attachment 2905395
Just too handsome to not share.
Gave the last dose of wormer to the flock last eve. Poop boards looked great this am.
Will give them papaya, pro bios and vitamins in the water later.
Beautiful Sunday here ♡ a bit cooler and we will be putting up our x-mas lights after chores. We have MIL this weekend so are just doing basics.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. Aloha! 🌴 :frow
A $300 vet bill? :eek: What happened??

It’s dried orchard I got from the feed store. It makes me a little itchy, but all the birds prefer it over hay, so it must be comfortable. XD

Spider is huge! I love seeing pics of him. Do you know how much he weighs?
Well... too smart to take the time to come by and let me give her a rundown on the dos and donts, though I had asked several times. I got a "oh my friend has horses, I'm totally comfortable". Yes, that is all great but she did not put medicine on his sarcoid and the flies go to it so when I got home it was screaming red, swollen and scary. The heal went the wrong way. Like fly strike.
As far as the chickens went... I had the list and the rundown for that too but once again too busy, knew how etc. Well, she did not know the coop from the run or how many chickens I actually had. She did not lock the run and when I asked by phone she finally did but locked 3 chickens out of the run and found them a day later. One wounded, 2 dead. 🤬🤬🤬

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